I was lucky enough to get a couple of tins of this goodstuff before it was all sold out, the first tin was so spectacular I went through it in record time, quite a unique tobak and I think MacBaren hit a homerun with this blend!
I was alert'd to it's existence by the early news scoop right here on PipesMag & I knew immediately it'd be a winner for my tastes...but it's sold out everywhere!
Those who enjoy this blend,
for it shall soon be back on the shelves!
Due in large part to the incredible commitment of the MacBaren company who've went above & beyond in order to fully serve the enthusiasts who love this stuff, as found on the MB dialogue forum:
Thank you very much for the very nice message on our dialogue page. I am glad you like the HH Old Dark Fired, when developing this very special tobacco it also grew on me. Unfortunatly the liking of ODF has been so big that we now are unable to deliver. And it is not a matter of speeding up production, that is not possible, as the ODF need a long time to store. Happy smoke.
It is true that I posted a message on this dialogue page telling that HH Old Dark Fired was out of stock and would not be in stock again until beginning of 2013.
Well, we have made some changes which mean that a new shipment of HH Old Dark Fired will reach the US market no later than the end of August 2012.
The changes we have made is to stop the launch of HH Old Dark Fired to all other countries and keep the quantity of tobacco we made for these countries, exclusively for the US pipe smokers. It is my hope that this decision will serve all well.
. . .
I was alert'd to it's existence by the early news scoop right here on PipesMag & I knew immediately it'd be a winner for my tastes...but it's sold out everywhere!
Those who enjoy this blend,
for it shall soon be back on the shelves!
Due in large part to the incredible commitment of the MacBaren company who've went above & beyond in order to fully serve the enthusiasts who love this stuff, as found on the MB dialogue forum:
Thank you very much for the very nice message on our dialogue page. I am glad you like the HH Old Dark Fired, when developing this very special tobacco it also grew on me. Unfortunatly the liking of ODF has been so big that we now are unable to deliver. And it is not a matter of speeding up production, that is not possible, as the ODF need a long time to store. Happy smoke.
It is true that I posted a message on this dialogue page telling that HH Old Dark Fired was out of stock and would not be in stock again until beginning of 2013.
Well, we have made some changes which mean that a new shipment of HH Old Dark Fired will reach the US market no later than the end of August 2012.
The changes we have made is to stop the launch of HH Old Dark Fired to all other countries and keep the quantity of tobacco we made for these countries, exclusively for the US pipe smokers. It is my hope that this decision will serve all well.
. . .