Fellow pipe smokers,
this probably won't be news to most of you, but I just want to share this with another pipe smoking soul.Tonight I am smoking HH PVF for the first time ever. I received the tin today after a week long wait and I think this stuff is simply delicious. It is so smooth, it is unreal. It is light yes, but there is nothing wrong with that I think. That being said though, flavor is the word here. It is the nicest virginia I have smoked ever and dare I say, I think it is nicer than FVF (ok,ok...easy now). But yes, it tastes so good, I could probably smoke the whole tin tonight. It is the first tobacco I have tried, that got tastier and tastier as going down the bowl, something which I find really odd. Usually even the best blends get quite nasty towards the end, but this.. shortly before the bottom it gave this sweet, but not too sweet beautiful virginia nuance. My Orlik GS days are over for as long as I can get my hands on this. And with it, I am also christening a brand new Refbjerg rustic poker that arrived in the mail with it. It brought a smile on my face and I just had to share.I am having a great time with this blend. If you haven't tried HH SVF and you have a thing for virginias, do yourselves a favor.
this probably won't be news to most of you, but I just want to share this with another pipe smoking soul.Tonight I am smoking HH PVF for the first time ever. I received the tin today after a week long wait and I think this stuff is simply delicious. It is so smooth, it is unreal. It is light yes, but there is nothing wrong with that I think. That being said though, flavor is the word here. It is the nicest virginia I have smoked ever and dare I say, I think it is nicer than FVF (ok,ok...easy now). But yes, it tastes so good, I could probably smoke the whole tin tonight. It is the first tobacco I have tried, that got tastier and tastier as going down the bowl, something which I find really odd. Usually even the best blends get quite nasty towards the end, but this.. shortly before the bottom it gave this sweet, but not too sweet beautiful virginia nuance. My Orlik GS days are over for as long as I can get my hands on this. And with it, I am also christening a brand new Refbjerg rustic poker that arrived in the mail with it. It brought a smile on my face and I just had to share.I am having a great time with this blend. If you haven't tried HH SVF and you have a thing for virginias, do yourselves a favor.