Tried your 'Lunting" once. Just once. In proper redneck fashion, I decided to take the dogs for a walk. Two Dachshunds, who really did not like being on a leash, a good beer and a pipe. I figured, however, that I outweighed the mutts by a factor of 6-7 and therefore no sweat. Said those famous words to my wife...'watch this'! With pipe packed and lit, my cold beverage in hand, two dogs on leashes and determination, off we went. Along the way, another dog walker appeared and all hell broke loose. Two dwarf dogs pulled free from their leashes, but only after snapping the pipe off at the stem joint and knocking loose my poor brew. Unfortunately, I had clenched when I probably should have let go, so the pipe parted in pieces. Still not sure why a break instead of just separating. Well, in trying to catch part no 1, I grabbed at it and sent the hot contents about my arm and legs. Meanwhile, the dogs were making friends with the other walker and pooch. Beer was a total drained loss. Tally: Dogs 3, Beer 0, Pipe and myself -1 each. So much for 'Lunting' !