Never tried this blend, but I'm guessing I would despise it, ditto OJK. Burley and I don't get along particularly well--for me, it has to be condimental to a VA base, not the other way around. Peterson Sherlock Holmes is a good example. A dusting of burley, just so you know it's there, a nice counterplay to the bright sweetness of the VAs. Mac Baren Golden Extra is about as burley heavy as I can get. Beyond that, I'm left wanting to massage aloe vera gel into my trachea. Even Pegasus was just too damn harsh. But hey, that's just me. I know there are plenty of pipe smokers out there who would say, "Cool, more for me!" I'm fine with that. And the flip side of that coin is all the myriad aromatics those folks pass by that I gleefully stock up on. That's the great thing about pipe smoking--everybody doesn't have to agree.
Don't you agree? Don't you?!? C'mon, don't be an asshole and disagree with that!