We have three dogs, and it's not relaxing for me. They all make no illusions that the prefer my wife. To them, I am chop liver. Even if I try to bribe them with a treat, they'll come get the treat, then immediately run back to my wife. They'd rather lay on the floor than sit with me if she's not home.
Bentley is an English bulldog. He likes to attack me any time I try to carry anything through the kitchen. And when I go to bed at 4 am, right when I am about to fall asleep, that's when he likes to wake up and loudly chew his feet.
When packages get delivered before I wake up, they all bark and wake me up.
About half the time when I come to bed at 4 am, Jasper decides to bark at me like I am an intruder.
Bentley has to be separated because, as an English bulldog, he's an asshole. There's baby gates everywhere that have to be climbed over and stepped through.
Oh, so relaxing.
And don't get me wrong, I love dogs, they just don't love me.
It's like I'm cursed or the universe is making me its favorite whipping boy.