Loss of Voice Helps my Enjoyment of my Pipes

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I was all set up for an art show this weekend, and made it through Saturday in frigid 60F temps, which might not sound cold to some, but considering that it was a swing from 90F to 60 overnight…. Anyways, by the end of the first day I was coughing uncontrollably and went home with a fever of 102F. So, I packed up my tent a day early and went home to rest. I hate losing sales that I’ve set up the day before. Sucks!!

Tested negative for covid, but the cough is under control, but I seem to have completely lost my voice. So, now all I have to do is nod or shake my head to communicate with Mrs Cos and kids. So, there’s no reason to take my pipe out of my clench when asked questions. But, I’ve limited myself to just three pipes today, and maybe just two or three till my voice comes back. So, I will definitely savor the ones I do allow for myself.

This has happened before, and it usually take me three or more weeks to recover.

Anyone else ever lose their voice? It’s so weird.
Yep, about 9 years ago.
Similar scenario, lasted about 3 weeks (they didn’t believe me at work), & I feared that I would never recover my deep-bass, “radio voice” (think Michael Clarke Duncan, James Earl Jones, and Dennis Haysbert - combined).
Yeh, last time I lost my voice my ENT told me that deeper voices seem to loose the easiest. I hate when they reach in and grab my vocal chords with tongs to check them, but I guess I’ll have to go through that again.
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Aug 1, 2012
Joking aside, my voice is my trade for both of my jobs so losing it is usually a big problem. I understand the comfort in not having to speak though. Best wishes for a speedy recovery and enjoy your quiet time.
Joking aside, my voice is my trade for both of my jobs so losing it is usually a big problem. I understand the comfort in not having to speak though. Best wishes for a speedy recovery and enjoy your quiet time.
Thank you.
Yeh, I usually spend a lot of time on the phone. So, it’s like losing a job till it comes back.