Loss of Taste (Not COVID Related)

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Feb 6, 2021
EDIT: Fixed Capitalization in Title (See Rule 9)

I’m new to pipe smoking. Been at it since mid November last year. I’ve tried a variety of blends containing every kind of tobacco commonly included in pipe blends including several kind of Virginia’s, burleys, Latakia, perique, and dark fired Kentucky. Very early on I tried a couple aromatics and decided right away they were not my thing. For the last several weeks I’ve noticed I can’t taste the tobacco hardly at all unless I go a day without smoking and then when I do have a bowl I’m finding by the end of the bowl I barely can taste the smoke. If I smoke first thing in the morning I can barely taste it and definitely the rest of the day I cannot taste my tobacco hardly at all. I don’t think I’m getting tongue bite but perhaps I am . I had what I believed to be a case of tounge bite the very first bowl I ever smoked and had to wait a couple days for it to go away so I think I know what tongue bite is. Yesterday I waited till noon to smoke my first bowl of the day and it was absolutely deliscious for the first half dozen puffs then gradually tapered off in flavor till the last few puffs I could barely tell I was getting any smoke in my mouth. Then the rest of the day I couldn’t taste the smoke hardly at all. Today I smoked right after I woke up and could barely taste it first thing and have barely been able to get any flavor since then. I thought I had figured out how to slow down several weeks ago and it was very enjoyable for nearly a month but now I can barely taste the smoke. Any ideas what Might be going on? I typically smoke 2-3 bowls a day.
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Ahi Ka

Feb 25, 2020
Aotearoa (New Zealand)
Same thing happened to me a few years back when going through a period of trying as many different blends as possible. It took me a fortnight without smoking before I could say I enjoyed any flavour again. From memory i drunk a lot of water back then too. Give yourself a week off and then maybe try a slow afternoon bowl?


Starting to Get Obsessed
Jan 3, 2014
Yeah sounds like your palate is just being overworked. Honestly too it's prob your smoking technique. Being so new to it you prob don't even consider smoking cadence and optimal packing. Also the specific blend/varieties that are best for certain times of the day...etc. There really is a lot to learn about optimal smoking conditions. Combine all these things and I can see your dilemma. Heck even just overpuffing because you feel you lack taste can ruin a bowl unknowingly.


Feb 6, 2021
Yeah sounds like your palate is just being overworked. Honestly too it's prob your smoking technique. Being so new to it you prob don't even consider smoking cadence and optimal packing. Also the specific blend/varieties that are best for certain times of the day...etc. There really is a lot to learn about optimal smoking conditions. Combine all these things and I can see your dilemma. Heck even just overpuffing because you feel you lack taste can ruin a bowl unknowingly.
Yes I started learning about cadence and slowing down about week two. My experience improved drastically when I slowed down and controlled my puffing. You may be correct that I’m “overpuffing” may not too, Who’s to say. I know once I learned to leisurely sip slowly I had a good couple months of flavor every time I packed a bowl. Right wrong or otherwise I’m packing my bowls and puffing just as I did when I was able to taste the tobacco. So if it’s a correct vs incorrect thing I think I figured that out a while ago. I’ve experimented with a wide range of packing tightness and moisture in my tobacco. I don’t always get it just right and it’s easy for me to notice the effects of too tight too damp/dry. But please do tell what kind of tobacco I should be smoking at what time of day. And why do so many people have “all day” smokes that vary so widely?
Jun 23, 2019
Sounds like a technique issue, if you're tasting the tobacco first quarter of the bowl but the "taste" fades, you're probably puffing too hard. \

As for aromatics, come back when you're a little more experienced. I get why they get pushed on beginners so much, but in reality it takes a bit of know-how to prep and smoke aromatics, much more troublesome than some ready to smoke alternatives like Elizabethan Mixture or Nightcap.


Apr 26, 2020
Where NY, CT & MA meet
A couple of other points - remember that smell is a big part of taste. There may be something impacting smell. Possibly try including retrohale or other ways of smelling the smoke. If you’re smoking indoors you are already kind of breathing in some of the smoke you exhale. Outdoors flavor by scent can be less present, especially if breezy.

I also find that when flavor disappears during a smoke moisture buildup is usually the culprit. Run a cleaner through or shakeout the moisture. For me the flavor will return. YMMV.
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Nov 13, 2019
A couple of other points - remember that smell is a big part of taste. There may be something impacting smell. Possibly try including retrohale or other ways of smelling the smoke. If you’re smoking indoors you are already kind of breathing in some of the smoke you exhale. Outdoors flavor by scent can’t be less present, especially if breezy.

I also find that when flavor disappears during a smoke moisture buildup is usually the culprit. Run a cleaner through or shakeout the moisture. For me the flavor will return. YMMV.
Agree or the bottom of the bowl is getting ashy , wet, or is packed loosely.


Feb 6, 2021
Sounds like a technique issue, if you're tasting the tobacco first quarter of the bowl but the "taste" fades, you're probably puffing too hard. \

As for aromatics, come back when you're a little more experienced. I get why they get pushed on beginners so much, but in reality it takes a bit of know-how to prep and smoke aromatics, much more troublesome than some ready to smoke alternatives like Elizabethan Mixture or Nightcap.
You may be right but I can’t imagine sipping any more lightly on the pipe than I am currently doing. I have to get my tobacco relatively dry (not crunchy) and I still have to relight several times while smoking. It’s so hard to guess with all these relative terms.


Starting to Get Obsessed
Jan 3, 2014
Yes I started learning about cadence and slowing down about week two. My experience improved drastically when I slowed down and controlled my puffing. You may be correct that I’m “overpuffing” may not too, Who’s to say. I know once I learned to leisurely sip slowly I had a good couple months of flavor every time I packed a bowl. Right wrong or otherwise I’m packing my bowls and puffing just as I did when I was able to taste the tobacco. So if it’s a correct vs incorrect thing I think I figured that out a while ago. I’ve experimented with a wide range of packing tightness and moisture in my tobacco. I don’t always get it just right and it’s easy for me to notice the effects of too tight too damp/dry. But please do tell what kind of tobacco I should be smoking at what time of day. And why do so many people have “all day” smokes that vary so widely?
Indeed sounds like your on the way to consistency ?. Remember that moisture carries flavor in pipe tobacco. Easily stated but masterfully executed. As for daily smokes I can't speak to. Everyone has there own preference for consistent delicious smokes day in and out. Very rarely do I smoke the same blend. For me "lighter" and "heavier" smokes burn in the morning. I'd say that's fine but to avoid light smokes after lunch as they can be underwhelming. It's all relative. Virginia's tend to be mild relative to everything...its all about what the blend does for you, and how well you perceive the intended effect. I can pick flavors out of Virginia's that others can't. Lighting frequency, retrohaling, mood, beverage, time of day, and even bowl shape/diameter can all have effect on your perceived taste. Even if your smoking only one pipe....maybe it's no good. Just food for thought. I've been smoking for 10 years now....eager to learn whatever comes my way. Currently smoking 2018 Orlik DSK in a Sara Eltang and tasting every bit of sweet molasses anise with that hard wood smokey backdrop, slight earthy hay and citrus. Happy smoking!


Mar 30, 2019
In the semi-rural NorthEastern USA
I think it's probably palate fatigue which happens. It's not damage by the way it's just one of the short cuts our brain likes to take. Seriously it takes a lot of brain power to process the senses so the brain takes shortcuts. It literally says I know what's going on here it's not poison so why process it. Same thing happens with smell like how when you visit the beach it smells like ocean and fish but after a few hours that smells not there. And also if your pipes aren't cleaned thoroughly this can mute the taste of tobacco. Especially in the mortise (where the stem goes into the shank). Swab that out and see if the taste doesn't come back. I always thought if a pipe needed a more thorough clean it would taste nasty and then realized it can also just mute the taste of tobacco. The second one can be checked in a few minutes. And it can look and smell pretty clean and then you swab out stuff that didn't even seem like it was there in the first place.


Starting to Get Obsessed
Nov 24, 2014
New York
As a suggestion you want to try a mix of 3% hydrogen peroxide with water and gargle your mouth but don’t swallow.
I find this to be the best way to remove bacteria and clean the taste buds.
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Jan 26, 2021
Kefalonia Island, Greece
I wouldn't bother with technique, unless your bowl gets too hot. If that's the case, then yes you should slow down.
It would be good to know what kind of blends are you trying. Maybe it's pallet fatigue, or you need a stronger blend. Are you smoking indoors or outdoors?
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