I haven't been very active on here for a while because my enjoyment of tobacco has diminished considerably, but I'm curious to hear if anyone else here has had an experience similar to mine. I've been having taste issues going back about five years now, starting before the pandemic, so I know it isn't C19 related. At first, I began to notice that I could hardly taste the smokyness in latakia. It progressed until all latakia blends eventually just tasted like nothing but ash and wet cardboard.
Gradually, my taste for other tobaccos has diminished as well, and now I can hardly taste anything besides aromatic toppings. It fluctuates, and sometimes I can get some small amount of flavor from a burley or Virginia, a bit from perique at times, but never from Latakia. DFK mostly tastes flat and boring. I have also noticed that whiskey and other liquor tastes weird and mostly flavorless. Food tastes normal. That is what stumps me.
My dental hygiene is pretty good these days, and I know I don't have a brain tumor or anything because I've seen a neurologist for other reasons. I can't figure out what the problem might be, and it's kind of maddening.
So, I'm thinking about selling off my tin collection. I don't see much point in keeping all of it if I can't taste most tobacco properly, and there seems to be no end in sight. Well, it was fun while it lasted.