Recommendations were offered on how to fix it yourself, and recommendations were offered on contacting P&C or MM directly, and I am sure that doing either would give you satisfaction. Manufacturers and their distributors are generally going to make sure that the consumer is satisfied.
Yes, I’m fully aware of that but I simply wished to get any ideas on how the issue could possibly be resolved on my own before contacting P&C and I thank everyone for the input. Dipping the tenon of the stem in water didn’t seem to make much sense to me seeing that it is plastic and the water would obviously not adhere. So, I swabbed the mortise of the shank with water and replaced the stem and smoked the pipe. I tried various ways, including dipping the stem/tenon in water. It did indeed tighten things up ever so
slightly, but it didn’t last long and the problem remained. I’m quite sure such a procedure would take care of a stem that was ‘slightly’ loose, but these loose stem/shank mortise fittings are beyond imagining.
In the end no big thing as I knew full well that P&C would resolve the matter when I contacted them which I finally did today. They are sending out two more pipes and I’ll see if the same issue presents itself.
It's a cheap effin corncob pipe. Duct tape.
Is that your standard fix with ‘cheap effin’ briars? No... I didn’t think so. I’m in no way shape or form a pipe snob, and I’ll not hesitate in the least with smoking a cob in the smoking lounge of Iwan Ries, but I’m not about to sit there smoking a cob with a gob of duct tape on it. Then again, I guess that very fact would indeed make me a pipe snob! :wink: