Hey all, I was hoping to narrow down some possible choices in my search for my grandfathers pipe tobacco. As a child, I remember spending time with my grandfather when he would be sitting in his old wing chair smoking a pipe. Short story long…. In the past 30 years, I’ve only encountered the tobacco smell of his tobacco twice. The second time perhaps about 4 months ago. Which ultimately set me on to my own pipe smoking. So I’m asking, perhaps some of the more “seasoned” pipe smokers here, to help narrow down the possibilities. It would’ve been a tobacco that would have been readily available at the local drug store/ department store of the time (40 yes ago) and in the Elkhart area of Indiana. The pipe tobacco, as I remember it, it was an aromatic which had a fairly strong sweet odor of cherry. So far I know it not Borkum Riff Cherry Cavendish or Cherry Liqour. I would be grateful for any help in finding what he smoked. I’d like to try to get at least one pouch to try for myself. At least be able to revel in those old memories of days long past.
Thank you
Thank you