Looking for a "Classic Virginia"

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Starting to Get Obsessed
Jan 19, 2017
Hi guys,
I'm looking for what would be considered a "Classic Virginia"
The tobaccos the I most often smoke are, in no particular order
GL Pease Union Square

GL Pease Gas Light

Orlik Dark Strong Kentucky

Capstan Yellow Flake

McClelland Three Oaks

McClelland Frog Morton series, all of them except "on the Bayou"
and as a general rule of thumb, I don't like spicy tobaccos
What say ye for a "Classic Virginia"?
Thanks for your thoughts



Apr 5, 2014
McClelland, Matured Virginia, Numbers 22, 24, 25, 27, Blackwoods Flake, Dark Star, St. James Woods, 2010 Classic Virginia, 2015 Virginia Perique Flake, and 5100 Red Cake, to name a few. :wink:



Jul 11, 2014
North Central Florida
When someone mentions Virginia, most of us will think McClelland's first.

I happen to think that a Virginia doesn't have to be pressed and flaked to provide the goods, and I suppose that McClelland's 5100 isn't flaked, so many will suggest this one, or have when this question has been posed previously.

I like PenHooker a lot. It's supposed to be all VA's, although half of em grown in Canada!

I'm waiting for some Wind Sail to compare.



Nov 13, 2012
F&T Cut Virginia Plug

F&T not so Special Brown Flake

Capstain Blue or Yellow

Dunhill Flake

Wessex Brigade Campaign Dark Flake
Any of the McClellands bulk flakes plus like Mctinner mentioned - Blackwood, Dark Star and the matured virginia line.
Also McCranies red ribbon or red flake



Can't Leave
Feb 4, 2015

Blackwoods Flake

2010 Classic Virginia

Christmas Cheer

Red and Black
Dunhill Flake
Samuel Gawith:

Full Virginia Flake

Best Brown Flake
Dan Tobacco Hamburger Veermaster



Feb 21, 2013
This thread mentions many of the good ones. The if you move slightly to the side, you'll get to Va/Pers and a whole new list which seems about as long. But for classic Virginias, McClelland is your focus. Read their whole "menu" and see what looks good, especially in tins, but bulk as well. McClellands seems to specialize in Virginias and all of the nuances and types and blends. If you try around with their blends, carefully and with some attention to the descriptions of the blends, you will likely be a happy smoker. Anything you don't like, send to me (joke).



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jan 19, 2017
So after reading a few reviews I'm thinking to give Samuel Gawith Full Virginia Flake and McClelland's #22 a try.
Are these two far apart on the Virgina scale, or somewhat similar. I already enjoy the GL Pease Union Square and Capstan Gold, how do these 4 compare?
like to hear your thoughts!



Oct 31, 2011
East Indiana
Try Orlik Golden Sliced, Samuel Gawith Full Virginia Flake & Best Brown Flake, Dunhill Flake, McClelland 5100 & Blackwoods Flake, Rattrays Old Gowrie & Marlin Flake to begin with.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jan 19, 2017
So after reading a few reviews I'm thinking to give Samuel Gawith Full Virginia Flake and McClelland's #22 a try.
Are these two far apart on the Virgina scale, or somewhat similar. I already enjoy the GL Pease Union Square and Capstan Gold, how do these 4 compare?
like to hear your thoughts on THESE four



Dec 14, 2015
FVF and Cap Yellow are IMO complete opposites. Capitan is brighter and grassier. FVF is darker, deeper, fuller. Think smoky molasses.



Well... this is an easy one; Wessex Classic Virginia of course. :puffy:



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jan 19, 2017
what's the differences in flavor of the different "colored" Virginians?
red, black, yellow, etc...



Part of the Furniture Now
Dec 30, 2015
Full Virginia Flake is awesome. Once you smoke it, you might not want to try another. St James Woods has perique, but is far from spicy. I almost think it's too sweet at times. Dunhill Flake, Solani 633, and Orlik Golden Sliced.

what's the differences in flavor of the different "colored" Virginians?
red, black, yellow, etc..

Normally, I would not argue with Woods, because he researches his stuff so well. But, in my experience with three years of growing and processing my own Virginia, I have found that report posted by Woods to NOT be the case.

The link even states "Virginias are the king of tobaccos and the very crop our country was built on," which is incorrect, because Virginias weren't developed until the 1860's.
Top leaves are the newest leaves on the stalk, and have not had as much growth nor exposure to the sun as some tobacco webpages report. And, once put it in the flue to cure, the whole stalk will be one color, depending on the temperatures. Maybe in some flues, the top leaves hanging on the bottom get exposed to more heat, might better explain the link Woods posted. But, in my flue the temperature is very even, so the stalks all come out yellow to orange, which has a more grassy bitey flavor. But, as I push the temperature higher, closer to 180F, the tips of the leaves redden, giving me a red Virginia with the sweetest flavors and a balanced taste. The longer it stays exposed, the more brown it gets, and more earthy the flavor, like dirt. Once you have it cured, you can shread it and keep cooking it further to get a black Virginia, but this takes quite a while. I think I read somewhere that McClelland will allow a blend to age that way for a few years to get that stoved black color, which is the sweetest and mildest of flavors, retaining that grassy taste, but without the bite.
IMO, McClelland is the master of Virginias, preparing it in a variety of ways, experimenting, and keeping it as unadulterated as possible in the process. That doesn't mean that other companies don't do a good job with their Virginias. It just means that IMO, McClelland is a little better, IMO.
FVF is pretty good. Even though those English boys have to import their Virginias, they do a good job of making something palatable. But, in the US, Virginias are catered to from seed to tin by just a few folks, that most likely all know each other and share the same passions. At least I can taste a difference. YMMV



Jul 16, 2012
I think there are huge differences in style, where the Gawith virginias (all the English virginias I have had actually) are a little muddy/earthy. The german/danish prep seems more like the OGS/Capstan sort of treatment - bright and sweet, lots of middle flavors.
McClelland are in a class by themselves, a totally different flavor profile.
I'd suggest Dunhill Flake, maybe Mellow Mallard as a real sweet "this is what va tastes like" pair. McC 27 is bright and sweet where things like Blackwoods are darker (sweet and pungent and spicey). Best Brown or FVF from Gawith are a world apart from any of these imho. I like Dunhill Flake maybe the most of what I've tried.



May 26, 2017
I can not get my hands on a lot of different pipe tobaccos, have been smoking for 20 years, I smoke Virginia Gold Black and Gold everyday. It at my local Rite Aid. Hope this helps!!

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