Looking for a blend with an extremely strong casing

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Dec 19, 2016
Has he tried a different pipe? Maybe a cob? Other than that, I might add Cult Blood Red Moon, Newminster Very Cherry, G&H Grasmere Flake, and Bob's Chocolate Flake. If none of these have any taste to him, he might want to see a doctor!



Part of the Furniture Now
Feb 3, 2013
Tambolaka may fit the bill.

Indonesian farmers toil in their islands' rich limestone soils to grow their flavorful tobacco leaves. After harvesting and air drying the leaves the unique aging process begins. The villagers roll the leaves into 10 foot long sticks of pure tobacco which they then bind using hand made cord to protect from the outside air. They then put these sticks inside their primitive huts and store them for 5 years as the tobacco becomes richer by the day. After aging, this tobacco is cut into three or ten inch sticks for sale as pipe tobacco, as well as being used as a component in Indonesian made cigars, such as Tambo Cigars.



Mar 21, 2017
Montville, ohio
I am a new pipe smoker so take this with a grain of salt... but I started by looking for something that my wife would really enjoy the smell of, and very quickly am finding that I have to just enjoy this for me... but I was handed the Peterson Connemara Black in one cigar shop and I think it was one of the better experinces. So far ive tried one or two MacBaren, a few bulk blends (I do like 1Q).. and I really found that I like the MacBaren Plumcake... but its not what I expected (I thought it was going to have a plum topping lol).
So if I had to hand someone a pipe and a pouch I would set them up with the Peterson Connemara Black if they are expecting cherry. It delivers... and I don't like cherry cough syrup... and this doesn't bring that to mind when i'm puffing on it.
I hope this helps.



Dec 19, 2016
Strong casing? Can't taste a thing? I would suggest C&D Dark Chocolate or Old Joe Krantz.



Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
This comes up occasionally... I'm looking for something for a son or friend... usually someone who doesn't want to smoke alone, which I understand. But, I cannot imagine worrying about picking out a blend for someone else to smoke. because really, pipe smoking is not really about finding one blend that makes the experience happen, but about just enjoying tasting, all of them, or exploring. Even the worst tasting tobaccos were fun to try. So, if keeping that other person smoking a pipe requires finding the perfect tobacco, then that may just be a symptom of a bigger problem, like maybe they don't want to smoke a pipe, or they aren't really getting into it.
This is the same reason that I am opposed to giving people pipes to get them started. If they aren't going to make the effort to buy their own pipe, to invest just a little into the experience, then they probably aren't going to stick with it.

Something given to you for free, just doesn't command the same admiration as something you worked for, IMO.
I know, I know, we all want a smoking buddy. But, sometimes the effort of "making" a smoking buddy outweighs the return.



Jul 21, 2015
Some of these blends are giving me "the finger":



Feb 13, 2015
Yeah, I thought topping was the flavoring and casing is the wet, nasty goop they drench bad aros with?



May 12, 2015
Carmel Valley, CA
Yeah, sometimes. But I've read GL Pease on a bit of the subject- IIRC, virtually every tobacco is cased with something to cause a better burn/sweeter smoke. Might be sugar, molasses, simply syrup, etc. And then there's those who add poly glycol or something to keep it wet. Ugh!



Mar 21, 2017
Montville, ohio
Oh thanks cosmic, now you've got me second guessing giving my cigar smoking brother in law a pipe for christmas.. lol. Joking apart, I think his (similar to mine) OCD type of "I like shiny things and I like hobbies that involve stuff" would enjoy pipe smoking. Apparently he has quite the collection of cigars... but he has more of the personality that I would put to someone with a pipe clenched between their teeth.....
jpmcwjr topping vs casing? I hadn't paused to even consider the difference... I started a thread earlier about rubbing out and had another revelation. Do the (what do you call something that isn't supposed to be an aromatic?) still get toppings or casings? I would imagine its a yes... I like my bitter beer more than sweet sugary stuff... and was surprised I like the non-aromatic as much as I did (I spoke about the plumcake above)... I have started messing around with a home made forge & just like being in my outbuilding with my pipe clenched in my teeth banging on a piece of nearly molten metal with my BFH. The cherry or fruity or vanilla tobaccos I find have me drooling into the bit...



Dec 31, 2016
A new piper needs something mellow and tasty.... no flakes, no latakia.... give them some Lane Vanilla Black Cavendish or some Dark Red. Both very flavorful and mild as it gets!

Good luck!



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 6, 2011
I'd take a tour of the Lakeland blends made by G and H. Ennerdale, Coniston, Kendal flakes....there's a bunch, and the flavorings are powerful.

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