Long Term Cob Torture Test: 6 Months Under The Elements

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Jun 26, 2016
Near Toronto, Ontario, Canada
For the past 6 months I have left a MM cob pipe wired to my roof to see just how sturdy these little pipes are. I didn't know what to expect. There were some skeptics:

I fail to understand the need to experiment?!

I am torn between whether this or the not wearing a t shirt while driving should receive the stupidest thread of the year award. …..??????

I mean, how much abuse is leaving it on a Canadian roof. It's merely being subjected to mild temperatures and good intentions.

There were also some who thought the cob would hold together pretty well:
they are tanks.
Those pipes are indestructible.

Well here we are at the conclusion. After 6 (ish) months on my roof, here is what it looks like now in comparison to how it looked in June


As I mentioned earlier, I had bought 2, and was keeping one as a comparison cob. Well here they are side by side.


All in all, I am shocked that the cob still resembles a pipe. It is discolored for sure, and there is a slight crack on the rim of the bowl, but nothing to suggest it couldn't still be used. The stem even still fits properly, the bowl and mortise fit snug and isn't loose.

If cobs are considered disposable, its only because they are cheap, not because they aren't durable.


Jun 26, 2016
Near Toronto, Ontario, Canada


Feb 21, 2013
Hurrah for Missouri Meerschaum. They are tough customers. I'm surprised it sustained its weight. Looks like some of the material was eroded but not that much. Some of mine are ten years or older, and beside a bit of rim charring, they look and smoke well. This is an interesting trial. Another win for MM.


Starting to Get Obsessed
Nov 1, 2021
Well done! Grats on your "stick-to-it" attitude. Fun read and am impressed with the durability of the cob... yes I too was very impressed with the sticker! Thought for sure that would be long gone.