So I just opened up a 9 years old tin of Veermaster and got 2 questions. First, how long do you think we can age baccy in tins? This one was only 9 years and even if it was still sealed it was already pretty dry. Just right for smoking straight up but my concern is if I wait 20 years it will be very dry...
I was also wondering about colour change while aging. I always see pictures of decade old tobaccos that turned almost black but it never happened to me. In the last year I opened up some 8-9 years old capstan, deluxe navy rolls and the veermaster and none of the baccy was black, a bit darker maybe but not that much. What’s the trick?
I was also wondering about colour change while aging. I always see pictures of decade old tobaccos that turned almost black but it never happened to me. In the last year I opened up some 8-9 years old capstan, deluxe navy rolls and the veermaster and none of the baccy was black, a bit darker maybe but not that much. What’s the trick?