As some may already know, I am allergic to technology, but I have worked with a Garmin GPS. When
they are working and sympatico with the driver and/or navigator, they can be a real blessing. However,
when I already know the area, except maybe the last few turns, I am amazed at how circuitous and
arbitrary the routes are. I think the GPS program has default options, going for minimal mileage or
other assigned perimeters. This results in phenomenon like always taking you on the heavily trafficked
express roads and larger arterial highways, and often the least pleasant, least scenic ways possible.
Four more minutes, and your blood pressure is protected, but GPS has no idea. Sometimes it seems they
are going for the maximum number of turns, especially left turns in traffic. They will often bring me home an
entirely different way -- did the mileage suddenly change on the original route? I prefer mapquest online,
where I can get to the last quarter of the trip and then follow their suggestions. Sometimes, traveling with GPS
is a godsend; other times it is the magical mystery tour, and not in a good way.