Local B&M Nightmare

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Might Stick Around
Jan 23, 2012
my local b&m's aren't really pipe shops at all just tobacco shops light cheap tobacco. it used to be enjoyable for me to just go in there and just kind of look around. but now there just glorified cheap cigarette shacks. they are so worried about being robbed any more that when you go in you have to take off your hat and glasses. the last time me and my girlfriend were in there to get her cigarettes they actually patted us down cause they got robbed a few weeks ago. even though they know us. i found out while i was in there they were doing it to everybody that came in! so sad they state of things isn't it?



Aug 14, 2011
Yeah that's iffy... You can't just do that. I'm not up to snuff on the legality of it but it sounds extremely unlikely that it's ok to do that.
File a complaint to the owner of the store or to the franchise of whatever it is so that get their slap on the wrist and quit screwing with people.



Aug 14, 2011
+1 nsfisher

"You didn't check well enough young lady, I'm sure I'm hiding something . Try again."



May 4, 2011
I'd tell 'em to get bent if they weren't a real pipe/cigar shop anyway. Not only is that a "security measure" that doesn't improve security, but it's probably against the law. I can walk into a bank with a hunting knife on my hip. Why would I let some cigarette shop to body search me.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 6, 2011
I had a wal-mart jagoff try patting me down once. I lifted my shirt just enough to reveal my CCW a bit and walked away, he didn't say a damn thing. 8)
But yeah, that's illegal. I woulda just walked right back out of that store when that guy tried that, and if he pressed the issue I would have the cops out there to file a harassment charge on him.
Eff that place man, don't go back for ANYTHING.



May 4, 2011
If I was a die-hard for the shop, I'd let them hire me for security. They might get robbed once more after that. It would give me the excuse to get that Mare's Leg I've been looking at too.



Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 8, 2010
I don't even know why some of the places around here are allowed to call themselves tobacconists. Yes, there's a display case of cigarettes (now closed so the kids can't see 'em), but the bulk of the stores are newspapers, magazines and candy.
Thank goodness there are some real tobacconists around here to balance them out. It would suck royally if there weren't.



Can't Leave
Sep 30, 2011
I doubt it's illegal as long as they tell you before they do it. I get that treatment every time I go to a concert, the airport, etc. It's not like you're being forced to go in...it still sucks though. I'd think the mitigation of risk they're achieving would be trumped by the loss of business...



Can't Leave
Sep 30, 2011
Yeah, I suppose having trained security people vs untrained would make things different. The OP didn't really specify either way so I was assuming they had a security person there. I'm really not sure as I've never heard of anyone doing something like that. Either way it can't be good for business. I know that at most of the concerts I go to I get wanded and patted and they never go to my ankles...I could easily get my full sized .45 1911 in most of those places with no problem if I had an ankle holster. But that's a tangent we probably don't need to go down :)



Jan 24, 2011
Happy Hunting Grounds
concert, airport etc is acceptable as its a security issue and trained ppl r doing it.
Not really. Training for a pat search is not really intensive. Believe me, I have it, and get "refreshed" on it once a year, minimum. I could teach anyone here how to do a proper pat search in about 5 minutes or less.
It would be classified as an assault if it was done without your consent. Consent can be as little as a sign posted saying "any who enter are subject to pat search", and you enter.
It does not even have to be done by same sex, although females pat searching males is more acceptable than the reverse for some reason.
The searcher is not supposed to touch genitals or (female) breasts, but that only means directly. Running a "bladed" hand endge all along the perimeter of your breasts and/or genitals is actually correct in a security environment. But a simple weapons pat down doesn't really require all of that.
But, like the rest of you, I wouldn't deal with all of that to buy a tin of smoke.



Jan 24, 2011
Happy Hunting Grounds
As a side note, and as someone alluded to above, the biggest issue with pat searches and security is getting the person doing the searching to do them properly, even with training.
You really have to go into "automaton" mode to do them correctly. Everything about "invading personal space" jacks with you, along with all the normal distaste that comes from pat searching someone with poor hygiene or other issues. Pat searching someone in a wheelchair is a bitch, and almost no-one does it properly.

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