1) A"tankard" shape pipe 2) A Dublin shape pipe 3) A "Bing" shaped pipe
havanarick Starting to Get Obsessed Jan 4, 2012 237 0 Texas Aug 21, 2012 #41 1) A"tankard" shape pipe 2) A Dublin shape pipe 3) A "Bing" shaped pipe
crk69 Part of the Furniture Now Jun 30, 2012 751 1 Aug 21, 2012 #42 Good health for my wife and I till our dying days Enough money to live comfortably, and not be in debt To be able to ride my motorcycle up until I'm in a wheelchair or hover round.., then a trike w/auto tranny..
Good health for my wife and I till our dying days Enough money to live comfortably, and not be in debt To be able to ride my motorcycle up until I'm in a wheelchair or hover round.., then a trike w/auto tranny..
tokerpipes Lifer Jan 16, 2012 2,042 692 46 Eatonville, WA Aug 21, 2012 #43 1) All my bills paid off 2) Unlimitrd tobacco supply 3) A wife that's cool with my pipe smoking
oldmooner Starting to Get Obsessed Dec 22, 2011 102 43 85 Sherman, Texas Aug 21, 2012 #45 A log cabin in the woods, a good German shepard, and my pipes/tobacco. Greed insists that I need 4 items--some good books as well. I guess I could have said monetary wealth and bought all those other things myself.
A log cabin in the woods, a good German shepard, and my pipes/tobacco. Greed insists that I need 4 items--some good books as well. I guess I could have said monetary wealth and bought all those other things myself.
waznyf Part of the Furniture Now Apr 24, 2012 742 48 30 Texas Aug 21, 2012 #46 Here is my list! 1) No debt 2) A second chance at certain things 3) A chance to see my Grandma one last time Don't forget a lot of pipes!
Here is my list! 1) No debt 2) A second chance at certain things 3) A chance to see my Grandma one last time Don't forget a lot of pipes!
locopony Part of the Furniture Now Jun 7, 2011 710 3 Aug 22, 2012 #47 Unlimited power I guess anything else would just fall in after that.
guitarguy86 Part of the Furniture Now Jul 6, 2012 703 0 Aug 22, 2012 #48 In no particular order 1. 1958 Rambler American 2. A nice house with 50+ acres 3. Become a published author
In no particular order 1. 1958 Rambler American 2. A nice house with 50+ acres 3. Become a published author
hobie1dog Lifer Jun 5, 2010 6,888 237 68 Cornelius, NC Aug 22, 2012 #49 guitarguy86, I thought one of yours was going to be a Guitar Museum
guitarguy86 Part of the Furniture Now Jul 6, 2012 703 0 Aug 22, 2012 #50 That would have been number 4.
hobie1dog Lifer Jun 5, 2010 6,888 237 68 Cornelius, NC Aug 22, 2012 #51 3) A chance to see my Grandma one last time Click to expand... Great answer :clap:
mrgunnar177 Lifer Apr 5, 2012 1,086 0 United States Aug 22, 2012 #52 A beautiful lovely woman to spend my life with Enough money to never have to worry about money again. Dunhill 1994 (birth year(
A beautiful lovely woman to spend my life with Enough money to never have to worry about money again. Dunhill 1994 (birth year(
spartan Lifer Aug 14, 2011 2,963 7 Aug 22, 2012 #53 No one wants world peace? Yeah... you're right. Things are much more fun this way.
hobie1dog Lifer Jun 5, 2010 6,888 237 68 Cornelius, NC Aug 22, 2012 #54 No one wants world peace Click to expand... How then would we control the worlds population if we weren't killing each other off in mass numbers each day? :crazy:
No one wants world peace Click to expand... How then would we control the worlds population if we weren't killing each other off in mass numbers each day? :crazy:
grafikchaos Starting to Get Obsessed Feb 12, 2012 166 0 Chapin, SC Aug 22, 2012 #55 1. My mom. She passed in 2005. Some days I really miss her. 2. Good health for my wife and kids. 3. A new drum kit. I hated to have to sell my last kit, and I have absolutely no place to put a new one, I would love to play again.
1. My mom. She passed in 2005. Some days I really miss her. 2. Good health for my wife and kids. 3. A new drum kit. I hated to have to sell my last kit, and I have absolutely no place to put a new one, I would love to play again.
simnettpratt Lifer Nov 21, 2011 1,516 2 Aug 22, 2012 #56 1. My health back so I can work. 2. To find the guys that broke into my house and stole my Les Paul Limited Edition. 3. Naughty bits for my little green Miata.
1. My health back so I can work. 2. To find the guys that broke into my house and stole my Les Paul Limited Edition. 3. Naughty bits for my little green Miata.
pipesicle Starting to Get Obsessed Jul 31, 2012 228 0 S.E.Iowa Aug 22, 2012 #57 I really only need for my business to start moving again. Things have been pretty slow lately. :crying:
I really only need for my business to start moving again. Things have been pretty slow lately. :crying:
jchaplick Lifer May 8, 2011 1,702 10 Sep 28, 2012 #59 Little bit of health, little bit of wealth, and a little bit more brains. With that, and a bit of hard work, you can get just about everything else
Little bit of health, little bit of wealth, and a little bit more brains. With that, and a bit of hard work, you can get just about everything else
colcolt Part of the Furniture Now Jun 11, 2012 856 0 Sep 28, 2012 #60 To have the health I had ten years ago and all my teeth. To be able to retire this year. That my only sister makes it through cancer.
To have the health I had ten years ago and all my teeth. To be able to retire this year. That my only sister makes it through cancer.