It only takes one dog in the team. That said, my new Chocolate puppy is a methane producing machine. Gotta be some way to harness that for heating the house. Some evenings, when he's curled up on my feet, under the desk, quietly emitting, I wish I had a mask.
I never have more than one problem with a lighter. If it's not dependable, it goes in a drawer or the trash. I honestly haven't found many of the more expensive lighters to be practicable for the out of doors. I have no access to IMCOs anymore. I found them to be reasonably dependable, cheap, and not that good in the wind. Never owned a "piezoelectric" which I thought was dependable. Butane lighters? Most had dependability problems and all were quirky with respect to filling.
So, after many, many lighters, some very expensive I've given up on appearance and opted strictly for lighters which give me a flame and are not impossible in the wind. So, Bics in the glove box, console, camera bags, and any other available storage. Zippo and the Pete, one or the other in a pocket. Further, the "bailout bag" has a supply of "strike anywhere" matches. Hmmmm. I may be anal when it comes to sources of fire. Interesting...