looked up the Soju thing. So in the 60's they banned making it with rice because of severe food sortages. Then lifted the ban in 99 and now most of it's made the same way I assume md20/20 is made. Flavorings added to neutral alcohol. So there is good Soju out there but more of it is made the cheap way. I bet it's about five years or less away from traditional stuff becoming more of a thing and popping up all over the place. But that's just a hunch.
Yeah, that's about the size of it Bob.
What most folk buy is the stuff from 7-11's and sit & drink it there and then with a beer, dirt cheap stuff.
I guess there's the real expensive stuff, but I knowingly haven't seen it, since I'm not in the market for it.
When I was working in Shanghai, we were invited out on a monthly basis by the ship-yard managers to a banquet. Sounds great, but really, it wasn't. Anyway, the usual thing was for a bottle of baijiu or three to appear. The bottles that this liquor came in were outstanding, they were more like an elaborate decanter, they really were very ornate. Anyways, I was told that this stuff we were being offered to us cost USD1000 a bottle. That aside, it didn't detract from the fact that it tasted terrible. It was akin to drinking raw alcohol. The following day, one could still taste it, it was in one's pores, nasty stuff.
I got to thinking, OK, maybe there's something in this, the worst it tastes, the bigger the man I am for drinking it. Well fill yer boots, guys! I'll stick to my bourbon.