My Dunhill Night Cap, and Peterson Irish Oak were delivered to my PO Box today. This morning the Winter Storm Draco hit us, and we have snow up to my knees. I'm stuck here for today.
Agreed. If there is even a trace on Vancouver's roads, I stay home. Not because I am afraid of driving in it (my home town is pretty far north, it snows from October through June), but because of all the idiots in AWD crossovers and 4x4's that think they are gods gift to winter-driving on their balding summer tires. They don't seem to grasp the concept that just because you can get going faster than a two-wheel drive vehicle, you still need to leave room to stop.We mostly get rain here in the Northwest.
I consider myself snowed-in if there is even snow in the forecast.
Nor do I, despite living on an arterial route in the Vancouver suburbs. You can imagine my surprise to run into a plow thirty kilometers up a logging road yesterday afternoon, but sure enough, there were a pair of them working to keep the 18" plus at bay. Didn't think to snap a shot of them working (was too busy trying to get out of the way), but you can see his leavings in this shot (just above the snow-line here; got much deeper as we went up).I have not seen a plow by me for years no
That there is cruel on it's own.A mid December at the beach here in FL. , see no plows.