I've been noticing that pipe smokers tend to be contemplative. Something we seriously lack in contemporary society because we're so busy and distracted. This made me think (after being inspired by another member here @aldecaker) to start this thread. So here's my question.
If you were to sum up life as you see it and pass it down to generations to come in the form of a sentence or a paragraph, what would you say? It would also be interesting if you would like to share your calendar age
I'll put down my answer in a response once I get some time to think. I just thought I'd get this started. Hoping it becomes an interesting thread. Puff, contemplate, and respond :
If you were to sum up life as you see it and pass it down to generations to come in the form of a sentence or a paragraph, what would you say? It would also be interesting if you would like to share your calendar age
I'll put down my answer in a response once I get some time to think. I just thought I'd get this started. Hoping it becomes an interesting thread. Puff, contemplate, and respond :