I have noticed recently some complaints about people's reactions and comments concerning certain topics. A forum is made for exactly that purpose. Those individuals have the forum to discuss their concerns and opinions. Do you have to agree with them -No. You have that right in a forum. The wonderful thing about this forum is that we have a mix of all sorts of individuals and opinions. We have complainers, we have jokesters, we have some who don't have a clue and those that have forgotten more about pipe smoking than I will ever know. If you don't like what they say-don't read their posts. Another great thing about this forum are the friends that you develop that you will never meet. I will ever be thankful for several members who had concern and reached out to me when I almost died 3 years ago from a auto-immune disease caused from Long-Covid. Because of the forum we know about their pets, their problems, their wishes, disappointments- in other words we have a family. So if you want to complain about the complainers, you have that right in a forum. Just remember all the good things about it and how much you would miss it if it wasn't here.