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Feb 21, 2013
ray47, PC sells Crown pipes, and they are bargain priced, but they appear to be serviceable and not bad looking. In addition to sturdy additions to the rotation, they'd make good gift pipes for visitors or folks trying to quit cigarettes. There's a whole school of low-priced pipes, and some of them last forever and smoke well. Some of the design on factory pipes is well done. There are some cheapie monsters out there, but some low-priced pipes get the job done.



Aug 23, 2013
I've got one I have never seen. I know they must be out there. Wish I could figure out posting pictures here so I could share my Zettervig with you
Zettervig, that'a a good one for this thread. Here's mine,



I only bought the stummel, Ronni Bikacsan hand cut a new stem for this one.



Mar 30, 2019
In the semi-rural NorthEastern USA
not sure why I haven't heard more about these ones. https://www.olddominionpipe.com/ but I just bought one and it's incredible. I have heard so many people talking about how great cobs are and yet haven't heard much about this company. Well I for one think more people should get to know their pipes. And they don't look like you can clench the pipes but the bamboo is more then clenchable.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 15, 2017
Lord Davenport Pipes. Have never seen another for sale. Nice briar but funky gizmo for keeping pipe clean. Here's the info from Pipedia:" Lord Davenport Pipes were made in four shapes, a dublin, billiard, apple and lumberman, in each of four finishes. The Shell, The Lord Davenport with a saddle stem, the Lord Davenport with a tapered stem, and The Drury. They were advertised as "non-clogging", and "non-juicing". These pipes were advertised in Fortune and Esquire magazines and sold through the Bennett Brother's catalogs. The pipes were advertised as sold by Davenport, Ltd., with a showroom located at 480 Lexington Avenue, New York 17, New York in 1944 to 1947, and at the same time are advertised as being from "Lord Davenport, Ltd." in Esquire in 1946. The advertisements by Davenport are of note in that they stressed the cosmetic appeal of a "pipe to fit every type of face". The pipes retailed between $5.00 and $15.00 in 1946. No sign of these pipes is apparent after prior to 1942 or after 1953."
"Pure speculation as to the origin of the Lord Davenport pipe and company would place it in the hands of Henry Davenport Bellin, of Providence, Rhode Island, who was in 1941 granted a patent, US 2232092 A, for a smoking pipe. This patent number later appeared on Pipes by Lee, but was assigned to Davenport, Ltd., suggesting a possible connection. However, no corroboration of this speculation has yet been found. "






Mar 13, 2018
SC Piedmont
Jeantets are good. I'm kind of fond of John Lakatosh pipes when I can find them. Lakatosh sadly is no longer with us, & made some very interesting shapes. Not incredibly expensive, but rather hard to find. I have 2-3 Celiuses that are all nice too, but of course you have to be a danish style fan. :)



Jul 3, 2010
Posella pipes are great in all ways.
Wonderful briar. His family owns a briar mill.
Site sponsor LePipe.it sells them, as does former sponsor NeatPipes.

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May 8, 2017
Sugar Grove, IL, USA
There are countless "brands" of older, forgotten artisan pipes that are a great value. GW Sims freehand pipes from England, Kirk Bosi and Clarence Mickels from Chicago come to mind. Even well-known carvers of the past whose work is not currently in fashion, like Elliot Nachwalter are excellent and relatively cheap. Many current carvers, like Sean Reum make great pipes which represent excellent values. Then there are the better known brands which don't get the respect they deserve, like most of the French brands mentioned previously, like Genod and Ropp. Lots of bargains to be had.



Sep 2, 2019
While not an artisan piece (just getting into collecting after years of tormenting my Peterson relentlessly), I recently picked up an old estate piece here locally that was marketed simply under "FISHER", emblazoned on the shaft, no other marking except Genuine Briar. Fisher could be the model, but the seller swore that was the brand name back in the day. Nice daily smoker billiard, clean draw, slightly warm smoke, which I tend to prefer. It seems too well made to simply be a basket piece; it reminds me of the old department store 'brands' like Sears used to offer.
Anyone ever seen these before?
I'll post pics soon and thanks for any knowledge to a newbie!

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