At the 34:40 mark Leonard estimates there are 1.0 to 1.2 million pipe smokers in the US. It’s interesting to have an actual industry expert put a number on this. He says pipe smoking compared to the1960s is a declining business but with great profit margins. He says their customer base is actually “growing.” He says about 50% of all pipe tobacco in the world is smoked in the US, France and Germany.
Earlier, the interviewer alluded to the fact that the Sutliff factory shutdown in Richmond happened much more quickly than it would have in Europe due to a lack of worker protection in such layoffs, and Leonard did not dispute that, but says the decision was made by an army of analysts at STG with him (Leonard) providing his recommendations.
Leonard notes that making something like cavendish is “really messy” and done by limited manufacturers. He says at the 44:30 mark that “Sutliff was profitable as a stand alone business“ when they made the decision to shut it down.