After a forum member asked about 'who's pipe would you like to have', I answered "one like Lee Van Clleef smoked" in the spaghetti westerns.
Research shows that we probably won't know exactly what pipe it was. I found guesses and speculation only. I am betting on one of two options:
1. A WDC Claremont
2. Some pieced together pipe
Speculation is that the pipe was a WDC Wellington. But, the bowl of a Wellington looks too shallow. The Claremont looks to be a very close match to the one in the pic of Van Cleef in the movie.
Net photos:
The pic from the movie.
And, a closeup clipped from that pic.
The bowl seems to be too deep for a Wellington. But look at a WDC Claremont.
And another, bottom pipe in the pic.
The middle one in that pic is a Wellington by the way.
I have this pipe (a Comoy's second a Mansion House) and my lady is threatening harm if I buy any more pipes. I can't find a Claremont, so I think I will modify this pipe into a replica of what I see in the movie pic.
Research shows that we probably won't know exactly what pipe it was. I found guesses and speculation only. I am betting on one of two options:
1. A WDC Claremont
2. Some pieced together pipe
Speculation is that the pipe was a WDC Wellington. But, the bowl of a Wellington looks too shallow. The Claremont looks to be a very close match to the one in the pic of Van Cleef in the movie.
Net photos:
The pic from the movie.
And, a closeup clipped from that pic.
The bowl seems to be too deep for a Wellington. But look at a WDC Claremont.
And another, bottom pipe in the pic.
The middle one in that pic is a Wellington by the way.
I have this pipe (a Comoy's second a Mansion House) and my lady is threatening harm if I buy any more pipes. I can't find a Claremont, so I think I will modify this pipe into a replica of what I see in the movie pic.