Imagine if he were in that pub that was snowed in a while back. Everything would be cut in half when the rescuers arrived.Jay, I just like the picture of you in the pub being brought various items to cut in half by tipsy locals...
Imagine if he were in that pub that was snowed in a while back. Everything would be cut in half when the rescuers arrived.Jay, I just like the picture of you in the pub being brought various items to cut in half by tipsy locals...
John, that ginormous Swiss knife I've seen pictures of, looks very unwieldy. The curly auger like tool (next to the corkscrew), is that for removing ear wax ?
Well worked out Al, are you a detective as well as a restaurateur?I had to look that one up - on closer exam, that is removable, and screws into the adjacent corkscrew - to have a mini-screwdriver.
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What no pipe tamper?!How about this for overkill? $350 or so.
I have one similar to Don's which I keep in my car.
At first, I though you were talking about the wine corkscrew, then, I was intriqued. I'll stay in my restaurant lane!Well worked out Al, are you a detective as well as a restaurateur?
I would never have guessed it was another screwdriver.
I too find them a bit bulky for everyday carry. I keep one in each of my cars. Walmart had these Gerber Bear Gryllis multi-tools on sale for $10, close out. I bought three of them.
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I buy Texas toothpick pocket knives, take them out of the box and then immediately throw them as hard as I can over the horizon never to be seen again.I still carry around my classic Gerber I bought almost 30 years ago. Surprised it hasn’t been lost; I’ve managed to lose about 3 Gerber Fast knives in less than half that time…
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That’s an awesome idea. Might have to buy one.I have one that was issued to me by the Army. Aside from the standard pliers and blades it also has all the field tools for maintaining the standard issue M-4/M-16
love that thing!