Learning to Fly (New Article from Greg Pease)

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Jun 11, 2012
Great article. Especially for those of us who still consider ourself new like myself.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Oct 3, 2012
I was hoping to find "the missing link" in the article. Something that would carry me over the hump of the stagnant novice phase I am in now.
Instead, I learned this is a marathon, not a sprint. Not the lesson I was hoping for, but a valuable nonetheless. Perhaps, even more valuable than the lesson I was hoping to find.
Good article!



Can't Leave
Jan 19, 2012
Interesting read. I find myself in the same situation it all feels hit and miss. Sometimes everything falls into place and other times it's like i have never packed a pipe before. They all do light well and burn even but it is like the flavor escapes me. My only savior seems to be flakes and the cube cut method as i hit the spot every time with it. It leaves me wondering if i should cast everything else aside and smoke only flakes.



May 26, 2012
Sarasota Florida
Thanks Greg and Kevin for another great read. It is just another example of how we all can continue to learn no matter how long we have been doing something.
Kevin, great photo of that pipe bag, sharp looking pipes also, that Winslow sure has some pretty grain. lol
sixmp, I hear you about flakes and cube cut, it is all I do now except for the occasional aro to please my daughters. Everything else seems lacking. I recently tried a ribbon cut and while still tasty, just doesn't do it like my flakes.



Jun 11, 2012
So tonight I loaded up my Iwan Ries Canadian with some Autumn Evening (seemed very appropriate). For the first time I feel like I taste the flavor and smell the aroma. The only thing I notice I did differently was I normally pack a full pipe. I wanted a shorter smoke so I decided to to fill the bowl half full. Seems like its smoking cooler, staying lit much better, the bowl is only luke warm, and is just all around much more enjoyable. Was this the missing link I've been looking for? Did i just luck out and the stars aligned and the pipe gods smiled on me? Are they just teasing me to keep me ordering me pipes and tobacco? If thats the case then it worked! But tomorrow I will start my day off like I do most days with some coffee and a pipe of Mac Baren Navy Flake, Although tomorrow I will go for a half bowl and see where this leads me.
To Be Continued...



Mar 30, 2012
Good read yet again. I have had this thread open since you started it waiting for the time that I could sit down and read through the whole thing. This one seemed particularly interesting because it clued me into something I kind of took for granted. Packing a pipe just became something natural and I like the idea of it becoming something more than just a motion. An art or an experiment to find the best way for me. Thanks!



Can't Leave
Aug 13, 2012
One thing I don't like about the article, and I think it is something that is also pervasive throughout our entire North American culture, is the idea of not good enough and chasing the ideal rather than relishing and savouring what you have. Searching for those euphoric pipe moments may diminish one's enjoyment of what would have been great smokes. For example,
He gave me the rest of the tobacco, which I smoked several times in the following weeks in that pipe and others, and never again had such a satisfying experience.
Longing for something you don't have rather than rejoicing in what you do have tends to lead to an unfulfilled life. I'm not saying that Pease necessarily didn't enjoy those smokes and certainly some are better than others, but I try to enjoy each and every smoke for what it is rather than feel disappointed with what it isn't.

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