Latakia has a very smokey flavor due to the fact that it is cured over open fires. It is certainly not going to remind you of any aromatic or Virginia/Burley Blend. It adds a distinctive "Smokey" flavor to any blend. So, it is all about the Latakia content of the blend you are smoking. Personally, in my Captain Bob's Blend, I used Latakia like I use pepper on eggs. Just enough to know it is there and no more. On the other hand, I do enjoy blends that have a significant Latakia content. The problem is that the people around me don't usually care for it like I do. So I don't smoke it every day. Some pipe smoker's never care for Latakia and others smoke it exclusively. It is a matter taste. You may come to appreciate it and you may prefer to avoid it. Simply a matter of personal taste. Again, the amount of Latakia content can be the key. If a blend has too much Latakia for you, try one with less Latakia. You might need to consult with a tobacconist for guidance. Latakia is always black. But, so is Black Cavendish. So, be careful not to judge a blend stricly by its "black content".
Sniffing a blend (unlit) should easily identify Latakia content if it is at all a significant part of that blend.
To answer your question, it is somewhat like developing a taste for dark roast coffee when you are used to a light roast coffee. I should think that after a month you either really like it or you don't care all that much for it and probably miss your goto blends.