Latakia... what's the deal ?

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Can't Leave
Apr 9, 2011
Cheviot Ohio
When I was blending, I found that Latakia is a tobacco that some smokers have to build up to. Also, often the problems aren't with Latakia, but with how other tobaccos in a blend interact with the Latakia. For example, Orientals can intensify the potent effects of the Latakia in a blend. I actually used to add small amounts of Latakia to harsh blend to smooth them out. Not everyone will always like every kind of tobacco. I can't smoke Lakeland tobacco, it makes me ill.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Sep 2, 2011
I like VA's and English blends but definitely have an English preference.
Anything with Perique in it tases like I ate a spoon full of pepper. To the point I feel like I'm choking. I like pepper on food, but not a spoonful, weird I know.
Glad to see I'm not the only one with the Perique issue though it sounds like yours is a bit more intense! I enjoy it in very small quantities but that's about it. And when I say small quantities I mean like FMOTB. Good stuff.
I got HOTW and about died. Ended up giving it to a friend who mixes it with a straight VA to tone it down :)



Staff member
May 11, 2011
Covington, Louisiana
I really enjoy mild lat blends, Vapers, not so much. Blends with low nic and just a little perique are my favorites. I also like then "crispy" dry toavoid tonque bite from too many relights. The GLP blends seem to always hit those requisites.



Mar 7, 2012
Sunset Beach NC
Am I seeing a trend here ?
Those that love the Lats seem to say "VA's... not so much".

Those that love the VA's (or VA/Per like me) seem to say "Lats.. not so much".
I like Lat on the light side ( a la Frog Morton ) or light in combination with Orientals ( Sasieni Balkan ). I also like VA blends ( even Mac Baren VA#1 every once in a while ) and flakes or with a dash of Perique. But I find Burley based blends horrid.



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 5, 2010
Even if you liked Latakia, those around you would likely not enjoy it as much or not like it at all. There are plenty of other choices. My wife loves Captain Bob's Blend but hates Latakia. She does not know that CBB contains 1/16th Latakia! I use Latakia like I use pepper on eggs. Just enough that I know it is there. Smoking very light Latakia blends is a good way to enjoy it and not offend others around you. And, maybe you will get a taste for it. Although, that is not essential. Craig Tarler of C&D smokes only Heritage and that blend contains no Latakia. This is a man that has successfully created over three hundred blends. Many of those blends do contain Latakia. But, Latakia is not the measure of a man who enjoys his pipe!


May 3, 2010
Las Vegas, NV
Don't feel bad. I've been smoking weekly/daily for about three years now and have tried a few different Lat blends and still have no affection for Lady Latakia. I've heard many people say that a lot of times they started with aros, tried English blends and hated them, and ten or fifteen years later tried the English blends again and loved them. For right now I've decided to be in that stage of waiting ten or fifteen years. Don't feel snubbed or get discouraged from not liking Latakia blends. Just enojoy the aros or VaPers or whatever blends you're into right now.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Apr 23, 2012
I hate it.
That's why I can't pass a week without a couple of bowls... :wink:
Seriously. Every bowl I have of it, I finish with a "that was nasty stuff" thought, and I close the tin sure that I will not have it again.
But not too many days pass by, that while thinking what tobacco I would like that night... Well. It happens to be Latakia, and the cycle starts again.
I guess it's like tequila. I hate it, but once in a full moon it's what the body asks... Same twitching of the face, by the way. :mrgreen:



May 10, 2012
It's like that with me as well. I like Latakia smell from the tin and really do enjoy smoking it. Afterwards I think i smell terrible, I don't like the taste in my mouth and thinking about it puts me off smoking anymore.
I'll smoke a straight virginia then next day, then maybe a VaPer or aromatic the day after and then start craving another Latakia english blend.



Mar 9, 2010
I smoke everything - except latakia. It doesn't irritate my mouth or anything. I just don't like the taste or smell of it.



May 26, 2012
Sarasota Florida
When I first picked up the pipe I was smoking mostly Latakia blends. Penzance, Nightcap,965, London Mixture, Blatter and Blatter Reserve and a few others. My tastes eventually changed and now I smoke exclusively va flakes and vapers. For some reason, I just find the smokiness of the Latakia just doesn't taste good anymore. I have become addicted to the sweetness of the va's and vapers. I originally started with the english blends because I was told they had much less tounge bite. It took some experimenting to find va's and vapers that did not bite or burn hot. I stay away from anything by McClellend and McBarren, they kill me for some reason.
One of my favorite blends is the Orlick Dark Strong Kentucky, it is sweet and burns cool.



Dec 5, 2011
Once again, thanks the tips and ideas.
I don't feel snubbed (which I seldom do anyway) and I have enough tobacco on the shelf without any Lats to speak of. I had the best relaxing time yesterday smoking a Pete Rosslare 68 crammed with escudo. Two hours, reading a book with a pot of coffee... Best time ever. And now someSunday Picnic in my BriarBird...
No loss for me here not having any Lats :puffpipe:



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 5, 2010
Ah! Sunday Picnic! A wonderful Flake. Very similar to my Pot O' Gold Mixture except mine is a traditional cut rather than a Flake tobacco. I highly recommend Sunday Picnic to Flake lovers!




Dec 3, 2011
Pleasanton, CA
good new avatar pic, Mick
I think you're right about:
Conclusion: I am now convinced it is possible that certain people have adverse reactions to certain types of tobacco.
I've come across very few Virginia-based or Virginia-Periques I find agreeable, but at the same time I like most latakia-based blends.
It's a flavor and a potency OF that flavor that makes it or breaks it for me.

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