I really don't know, though they are my region's tobaccos, and tobacco aficionados over here will talk your ears off about how great Greek and Balkan (and Turkish, if they are in a good mood!) tobaccos are, how floral, sweet, etc etc etc. I admit I was a bit short-sighted and didn't want to try it, and was extremely pleasantly surprised, it really tastes like a blend yet it is single leaf. It tastes pretty full, pungent but also light, fragrant, floral, and it definitely made me think of curry and cumin, but it hadn't really clicked with me before reading about it.
Also, apologies for the double post, I'm definitely planning to try the bolded bit below

Only question is: how do you use the tonka beans? I thought to grind them in alcohol, like spiced rum, filter the sludge out after a couple of days, then dissolve some honey in the mixture and proceed with how you told me in PM (heat the tobacco in the oven and mist a few times)