Las Vegas pipe show is this weekend

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Jul 13, 2010
What a great show. It was an absolute pleasure meeting up with you, Kevin in person. Not to mention bubba and Mrs bubba. Unfortunately I did not bring my camera. Kevin though, being the smart man he is, had his with him and was using it quite freely whilst I was there. So, pics are forthcoming from the above mentioned smart guy. I picked up some nice deals on baccy. I picked up a 100g tin of MacBaren Scottish Blend for $10 and a 50g tin of McClelland's Arcadia from the 221b series for $7. Plus a number of free samples of blends from the table that I have been wanting to try, but the TAD account is sparsely populated at this time. Also attended a tobacco blending seminar with Russ Oulette from, which was indeed a treat to have in attendance. Learned alot during his presentation.



Jul 13, 2010
Kevin and bubba
I do hope that you have been trying to support the local economy during any free time you have. I also hope that you all make it safely back home. Again, it was a pleasure to meet the 3 of you.



Smoking a Pipe Right Now
Staff member
Nov 16, 2008
St. Petersburg, FL
Great meeting you too krgulick!
Here's a few photos.
Mr. & Mrs. Bubba - and all those pipes in the picture are new acquisitions for Bubba.

krgulick & bubbadreier

krgulick & me



Mar 21, 2010
Thanks for the photos and updates. Not being able to attend

is a problem for me, and getting these reports helps me to

be there in spirit.



Smoking a Pipe Right Now
Staff member
Nov 16, 2008
St. Petersburg, FL
I suggest you guys start saving a little fund to come next year. I had an unbelievably great time. This is an awesome show. Mr & Mrs. Bubba made it here, and the rest of you guys should too.
You can find good deals on flights to Vegas, (or drive like Bubba did) and the hotel where the show is, The Palace Station is clean, nice and friendly ... and inexpensive.
The food is very good and super cheap compared to hotels on The Strip. (There's a free shuttle from the hotel to the strip too.)
This is my 3rd trip to Vegas this year. I had 2 internet conventions before, and I always stay in the hotel where the convention is. My total cost for my room here for 5 days is $225. That's what one night at The Venetian cost.
I can't wait to get the coverage published.
We are going to have great coverage with 3 video interviews done by Cynthia, and my article will have LOTS of pipe pictures from several amazing pipe makers that we have not covered in previous articles.
So you will be seeing a lot of new stuff that has never been covered here before.
And yes ... I tried very, very hard to resist, but PAD & TAD got the best of me. I even walked away from tables, but was pulled back in by their tractor beam.



Jul 13, 2010
There are a lot of similar hotel/casinos around town that are pretty close to Palace Station. With the pipe show there, you are still quite conveniently located to alot of the other properties. Hopefully you were able to make a "contribution" to our local economy while you were here.



Smoking a Pipe Right Now
Staff member
Nov 16, 2008
St. Petersburg, FL
I am at the airport.
They hand checked my carry-on because of the tins of tobacco and a jar of tobacco that Bubba gave me.
You never know. The middle-aged white guy carrying tobacco wearing a dress shirt and blue blazer just might be a terrorist.
And krgulick, I have done much more than my share of contributing to the Vegas economy. I have been here 14 times in the last 4 years. This is my 3rd trip this year.



Jul 30, 2010
Norman, Oklahoma
I think you all need to start saving some money and pick at least one show to go to this coming year! It was a blast and I can't wait for the next show!
Kevin, I hope you have a safe flight home and enjoy your new pipe set! It was great to finally meet you! We made it home safe and sound!



Jul 13, 2010
Hope all of you get home safely. Hopefully you were able to recover some of your PAD/TAD money from the casino. It was a pleasure to meet you, bubba and your wife.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jul 28, 2009
Parker, CO
Greetings all,
I just returned from the Vegas show, and all I can say is WOW! Great job everyone!
I had the pleasure/honor of meeting Kevin. We chatted for a while, and he was very gracious and purchased one of my "Blandings Collection" pipe sets. Thank you again, Kevin.
We had dinner with Russ Ouellette Sunday night. Believe me, this man knows tobacco! And his blends are some of the best around. Period. It was a great evening, and we all had a lot of fun.
It was fantastic seeing Paul Perri again. He recently turned 89. I spent a day with Paul years ago at his workshop in California, and he patiently instructed me on the art of pipemaking. He basically taught me everything I know about proper pipemaking, from drilling to turning to finishing. I am forever grateful. Thanks Paul.
It was great meeting fellow pipe makers personally. We shared ideas, and I was awed at their workmanship and artistry. From Todd Johnson, Bruce Weaver, Kurt Balleby, Kim Kendall, Simeon Turner, et al. Very inspiring, and humbling at the same time.
I strongly encourage everyone to make plans for next year's show. It's VEGAS, BABY!
Craig A. Cooper

Cooper Pipes



Smoking a Pipe Right Now
Staff member
Nov 16, 2008
St. Petersburg, FL
Craig, I enjoyed talking to you and the "Blandings Collection" pipe set was just too cool to pass up.
I will be including it in my coverage of the show, which I hope to start putting up by the weekend or next week.
It really was a great show where there was an opportunity to spend a lot of time talking to many pipe makers and looking at A LOT of very cool pipes.
It was great to meet you Craig. I really enjoyed talking to you.

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