Lane Ltd Crown Achievement question

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Jan 12, 2012
I see the new Lane Crown Achievement describes this as a Virginia, oriental, Lat blend and was wondering how it is being received. Anyone out there tried it? And if so how do you like it.
I'm also wondering if anyone knows how it compares to Sutliff's Bosphorous Cruise which I believe is quite similar in description.



Jul 31, 2010
Bethlehem, Pa.
I smokes CA in the 1970's when I bought it at Lane's 42nd St. shop in New York. I have some older stuff that I got a few years ago and sent it to the chief blender at Lane. He built the new blend off of that and an old recipe he found from the NY shop. I have 5 tins and really enjoy it. No one component in overbearing and I find it to be a very balanced blend that reminds me of the stuff I smoked from the NY shop. If you like latakia and orientals then do give it a try. I find it to be very satisfying. If you're still undecided then PM me and I'll send you a sample.



Feb 9, 2014
I'm new to Lats and I've heard horror stories about adjusting to Perique. But hey, I took to it after two bowls. I like it -- as unusual as it is compared to my regular OTC tobaccos.
Would I recommend it to other newbs? Can't, no. I can't tell what someone else will like. I think someone who has only done OTC, you're in for a big difference in what tobacco can be.
Yet... it was mild, actually, in that there was no bite and no dizzying levels of nicotine. It's a quiet, unfamiliar thing. You'll like it for its taste, or you won't -- but don't be afraid of it. I'm going out on a limb to say there's no risk of pain for trying it. And a tin from P&C doesn't really doesn't cost much.

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