Ziggy, since I was young (16) tobacco shops always fascinated me. In my hometown we had 3 of them. They all had this special flair that gave me a fine feeling whenever I entered them to buy little things I could afford at the time. I admired the pipes shown and whished I could buy me one later, when I would have saved the money for it. That was the time when my two best friends and me talked pipes in a very expertly manner w/o having ever hold one of these top-pipes in our hands but smoking Clan or Lincoln Cavendish in a basket pipe. ‘Dunhill' was the magic word until one friend came up with the statement, that Charatans were much better than Dunhills. (he had heard this from an old experienced pipe smoker). That must be the moment the name ‘Charatan' was branded in my brain though I still had'nt seen one. None of the tobacco shops in my town sold Charatans. Years later (76/77?), now living in Frankfurt, a very friendly Lady in a small tobacco shop, who always showed me several pipes from different makers in my price range once put also a smaller, smooth bent Charatan (211 DC Belvedere) on the counter. I bought it and still smoke it today. I don't know what I would have done if I had been sitting close to the spring like you. ?