"We buy from discount on-line stores, which is also cutting the throat of the B&M's, the passing of which we mourn, or pretend to ourselves we mourn. Then we're off to the next 20% off sale."
Jesse is spot on here. We are all as guilty as each other as we do the bulk of our tobacco and to a certain extent pipe purchasing online as the costs are considerably cheaper than buying from a B&M.
I would love to use my nearest B&M exclusively but I simply cannot afford to, as Wiz points out, prices here in the UK are horrendous. Indeed, I now buy my Sam Gawith's bulk blends from the USA as it's so much cheaper for me to do so and that is even taking shipping costs into consideration.
The only worry I have is what happens when our governments finally decide to ban online sales of tobacco...will be see a sudden growth of B&M stores sprout up everywhere? I somehow doubt it.
A sorry state of affairs.