Estimated yesterday. $4700+ in damage. Less than I thought but makes me sick to my stomach still that I wrecked it before I even got a tag! At least this one will be fixed and I know just the person to do it. He's "Mr Perfection".
I work in the Auto Bizz...4700.00 is not a whole lot of body damage so the car will be good as new...
Such as it is. I have driven numerous new Camaros and find them to be rolling blind spots. A recent review advised that the windows were more for letting light in than seeing out of... 8)
Also... When I was 18 a bunch of friends and I spent a week in Cotulla Tx. We had driven down from Chicago in a 71 Ford F150. To make a long story short, if you hot a deer in a 71 F150, all you really do is damage the grille.