Tiny pipes are great. They are great for when you have a short time to smoke. I only smoke a few things in my tiny pipe. I smoke flakes and really strong stuff. So for me that means flakes and Semois and Five Brothers. Other smokes are kind of enjoyable in every single way except for nicotine. For example that less then a bowl of tobacco left in the tin also gets smoked in that pipe and although enjoyable unlike a normal sized bowl I have to pris a snus or take a snuff immediately afterwards. Seriously though I never thought I'd enjoy a little pipe that much until I owned one. But there are some blends that just go great in them. Honestly it seems to have more clarity and definition in the flavor department which is very blend dependent on how good of thing that truly is. So in other words even if it is a pipe that barely fits into your rotation every smoker should have at least one tiny smoker. Because the little niche they fit they fit perfectly in. Honestly I smoke my little pipe every work day during break and there is no other pipe in my collection that could replace it. Now if you are a one pipe smoker then get something else. Oh one last thing if one wanted to they could get a whole fleet of tiny pipes and pack two or three of them at a time and have their own unique smoking style.