Kaywoodie Mini Drinkless - Any Insights?

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Mar 30, 2019
In the semi-rural NorthEastern USA
Tiny pipes are great. They are great for when you have a short time to smoke. I only smoke a few things in my tiny pipe. I smoke flakes and really strong stuff. So for me that means flakes and Semois and Five Brothers. Other smokes are kind of enjoyable in every single way except for nicotine. For example that less then a bowl of tobacco left in the tin also gets smoked in that pipe and although enjoyable unlike a normal sized bowl I have to pris a snus or take a snuff immediately afterwards. Seriously though I never thought I'd enjoy a little pipe that much until I owned one. But there are some blends that just go great in them. Honestly it seems to have more clarity and definition in the flavor department which is very blend dependent on how good of thing that truly is. So in other words even if it is a pipe that barely fits into your rotation every smoker should have at least one tiny smoker. Because the little niche they fit they fit perfectly in. Honestly I smoke my little pipe every work day during break and there is no other pipe in my collection that could replace it. Now if you are a one pipe smoker then get something else. Oh one last thing if one wanted to they could get a whole fleet of tiny pipes and pack two or three of them at a time and have their own unique smoking style.
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Mar 30, 2019
In the semi-rural NorthEastern USA
I have one. Bought it by accident on ebay without realizing it was group 1 sized. I was completely perplexed why anyone would want such a small bowl but since then I've come to love it. It turns out to be a great pipe for burley blends and C&D style American blends. Really focuses the burley flavor in a way that larger bowls don't. I use it all the time now. The downside is you have to refill the bowl frequently, but if you're looking for a 10 minutes smoke, that's the pipe to reach for.
thanks for that. My little one really loves burly. It really does seem to focus the flavor and it smokes cleaner then a typical sized bowl. Though Va and that family tends to be disappointing in one of those. All I can figure as to why it does that is the fact that tobacco acts as filter and with less tobacco less filter. In fact my largest pipe tends to have the most muted flavors of any of my pipes at least at the start of a smoke. Though the muted effect in the large guy is less pronounced then the clarity of the tiny pipe. That's about all I can figure.
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Apr 28, 2019
No clue why bowl size effects flavor but it certainly does. I've lost interest in large bowl pipes because they do seem to mute the flavors... at least blends I like to smoke. I think large bowl pipes look much better than these shitty little group 1 pipes. I confess I feel like a nancyboy smoking these little Kaywoodies (I have several now) but they produce better results for burley.


Apr 28, 2019
I might have to give it a try for that then. What is your go-to burley? I have tried haunted bookshops, but I haven't quite figured it out yet. What do you think it is about the mini bowl that enhances it?

Haunted Bookshop I can't help you with because I don't care for it. I smoke a lot of the C&D Burley Flake series, plus Adagio, Morley's Best, OJK, Pegasus, Epiphany. The small bowl works easier with ribbon cut blends but if you're willing to rub out a burley flake it will work with that too.


Mar 30, 2019
In the semi-rural NorthEastern USA
No clue why bowl size effects flavor but it certainly does. I've lost interest in large bowl pipes because they do seem to mute the flavors... at least blends I like to smoke. I think large bowl pipes look much better than these shitty little group 1 pipes. I confess I feel like a nancyboy smoking these little Kaywoodies (I have several now) but they produce better results for burley.
one of the things I love about my Tsuge metal blowfish is it doesn't look like a dainty version of a pipe. Since it doesn't have a more traditional pipe shape it doesn't look "wrong".
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(Urban Briar)
Jan 3, 2020
Los Angeles, CA
Most of my heavy rotation pipes have a 16-18mm chamber. My first few pipes were in the larger 20-22mm and a bowl would last 1.3-2 hours (I also think I was over packing back then). I find a 30-40 min smoke to be much more relaxing than a 1-1.5 hour smoke – I start getting antsy. I don't think I would mind a even smaller chamber for a 10 min dog walker.
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Feb 21, 2013
I have three notably small pipes (Group 1's). One is a Peterson Belgique rusticated, a second Scott Klein blast prince, and the third an EWA churchwarden. You can get nearly a full-length smoke with flake, coin, plug, or rope. They're also good for sampling, or for full-strength blends when you don't want a big nic hit.
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(Urban Briar)
Jan 3, 2020
Los Angeles, CA
I have three notably small pipes (Group 1's). One is a Peterson Belgique rusticated, a second Scott Klein blast prince, and the third an EWA churchwarden. You can get nearly a full-length smoke with flake, coin, plug, or rope. They're also good for sampling, or for full-strength blends when you don't want a big nic hit.
I agree. Half a bowl is a nice sample smoke. Long enough to get a cadence going, and short enough to move onto something else if its not the right fit.


Starting to Get Obsessed
Dec 13, 2018
There's no such thing as "too small"! Japanese Kiseru pipes probably only hold a half pinch of tobacco lol.


Richmond B. Funkenhouser

Plebeian Supertaster
Dec 6, 2019
I'm a fan of small pipes, and I like my teeth. I still get long smokes out of my small pipes. I guess it's a matter of how slow you smoke, and how much tobacco you pack in.
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(Urban Briar)
Jan 3, 2020
Los Angeles, CA
Campus pipes are small, but that is a sample pipe for carrying around on the salesman. Yes you can smoke them but they were really meant as a display pipe. Very cool find.
That is a pretty interesting idea. Maybe to carry around a bit easier. Its damn near a perfect size scale down - I mean, I thought it was normal size when I bought it through images.
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