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Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 5, 2014
I won't bore you with details, but suffice it to say, it's been a long, crappy week.
About midway through the week, out of the blue, a complete stranger on this site, who happens to appreciate veterans, sent me a PM, asking for my mailing address. He said he had a little something for me.
Of course, my first question was, "Why me?" He responded with something about the explanation I had given for my screen name. He said he had a little tobacco to share with me. I PMed him my address.
Today, I received a NINE POUND box in the mail! Literally every tobacco I have on my wish list, along with some of my very favorite blends was in this box! Buried among the tobacco booty was a Hackert custom cob!
Let me clearly state here that I served during peacetime. I still have all of my appendages, and never saw a nanosecond of combat (at least in the military). I was (and still am) speechless. I called this gentleman and stuttered/stammered my way through a "thank you." I told him that I was probably not worthy of such incredible generosity.
His response was something along the lines of, "I appreciate your service, and I gifted you with the hopes that you will enjoy it, and pass on this generosity to someone else who would appreciate it."
Wow. This Brotherhood we have is unlike anything else I can think of in these troubled times. Simply amazing. I will make it my mission to do good unto others, as this Brother so selflessly did unto me.
Thank you....from the bottom of my heart. God bless you and yours, Amigo.



Mar 20, 2014
Thank you for your service. Hazards of combat or the lack thereof have no bearing on the fact that when you made the selfless decision to sacrifice your time, your youth and I'm sure a lot of blood, sweat and tears over the time you served, commands the respect and appreciation that your benefactor displayed. I only wish I had the means to do the same for you and the rest on here who have or are serving our country. I'm currently working Wounded Warriors to put a pheasant hunt together this fall along with members of my Sportsman's Association and I can tell you that it's humbling to be in the presence of such men and women. What we are doing is small potatoes but it is truly an honor to help them out in any way we can.
Congratulations on your gift and I sincerely hope you smoke it all in good health!

Jan 8, 2013
Combat or not, Ranger school is no joke. Your a better man than me, I have been a fueler for 12 years. Convoys get nerve wracking in a fuel tanker, but still, it ain't Ranger school. That is a hell of an accomplishment.
The generosity in this community never ceases to amaze me. I feel like I say that a lot, but that is a good thing. Just means that people continue to look out for one another.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 25, 2014
United States
Good for you, Ranger! You definitely deserve that; giving up valuable years of your life for the service of your country and making it through Ranger School is no joke. Thanks for your service and I think I'll buy you a beer next time you're in New Orleans, just cause :lol:



Oct 15, 2013
The only war I fought was the "cold" war, but one thing most civilians don't realize is how dangerous it can be even in peacetime. It was almost a daily occurrence on base to have accidents like a palette fall on somebody or a crew chief fall off a wing of a plane he was servicing or some other regrettable thing. There was never any OSHA representative around and work environments were often hazardous and uncomfortable, not to mention the long hours and remote locations.
I was in Japan when the Camp Fuji disaster occurred. That was 1979. I still have nightmares about those poor guys. I hope to never see any suffering like that again.
So rangerearthpig, my hat is off to you as well. Enjoy! My shriveled and blackened heart is hereby temporarily warmed by the kindness and generosity you received :puffy:



Mar 25, 2014
The generosity in this community never ceases to amaze me. I feel like I say that a lot, but that is a good thing. Just means that people continue to look out for one another.
My sentiments exactly!



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jan 3, 2013
“The soldier is the Army. No army is better than its soldiers. The Soldier is also a citizen. In fact, the highest obligation and privilege of citizenship is that of bearing arms for one’s country”

― George S. Patton Jr.
Thank you for your service. It takes a lot of balls to go through all of the necessary training and to know that you could one day put your life at risk to protect the people of your country. Mad respect.. and nice, nice haul!



Jul 13, 2011
Peacetime or not serving in the military is often a sacrifice. We are grateful for that sacrifice. Very nice gift. I am utterly amazed at the generosity of Pipe Smokers. Nice job whoever the giver was!



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 5, 2014
settersbrace wrote: "I'm currently working Wounded Warriors to put a pheasant hunt together this fall along with members of my Sportsman's Association and I can tell you that it's humbling to be in the presence of such men and women."
I've done some things for that outfit, too. I think it's a worthy organization.
I have a couple buddies who are also doing hunts for wounded vets here in Texas. It's really a cool deal, and having met several recipients, I can tell you that it is greatly appreciated and wonderful medicine.
Thanks for your contributions to these men and women.



Mar 1, 2013
That is a great gift you received. It is now your duty to pay it forward. I know you will do someone good.

Apr 26, 2012
Washington State
Wow... great gesture and awesome gift of tobacco. Thanks for your service and enjoy the tobacco.
By the way, I didn't know Cult Cigars made tobacco as well. Very cool. I'm gonna have to give that a try.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Apr 2, 2014
Thanks for posting ranger.And thanks for your service.Much thanks to the person who sent the gift.keep puffin on.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Apr 12, 2014
While i havent yet served i do intent too, i have three uncles who have served and one cousin. I have had many friends go off and do the duty. Most if not all dont think they are heros, some feel they are not worthy of such a title. In peace vigilance, in war duty. I have also lost a few people ill never forget them but i feel worse knowing what the loss is for the family. Its a double edge sword for ones you have lost, proud and saddend. I am no hippie i understand some people will never think and talk it out, i am a hot blooded irish, itailian and native american ill fight when no other option is available. i work in law enforcement first thing i was taught was to talk some down from the fight. War is war, and sadly war is death by another name. I just wish more of our tax dollars went to outfitting our troops and law enforcement officers then some politician pocket.
sorry for the rant but seeing all the comments brings it out of a guy, i am man enough to say i cry when i hear taps or the bag pipes. (one of my irish buds asked for it before he went for his 2nd tour)

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