In large measure we all agree: none of us has any time for those that suck off the system when they don't have to, none of us has a problem with those that need assistance getting some help from our surplus, even up to the dignity of an occasional luxury, like pipe smoking. If you're poor, you don't get as many luxuries as often as if you were wealthy.
I see the only difference is tarzan believes the fraud rate is over 90%, because of his experiences, and I believe the fraud rate is under 10%, because of my experiences. I don't think tarzan is lying, and I know I'm not lying. I have not met every family on assistance in this country. It is possible I'm standing by the elephant's tail and saying it's more like a rope, and tarzan is standing at the trunk, and saying it's more like a snake.
If I'd seen a 90% fraud rate, I think I'd feel more like tarzan, if he'd seen a 10% fraud rate, I think he'd feel more like me. tarzan has donated time for paralyzed veterans, I've donated time for poor kids' Christmas presents.
I think our differences stem only from what we believe the fraud rate to be.
PS While I kinda do feel superior to career leeches, I shouldn't; I do plenty of bad things myself, and even if I don't do the same bad things, I'm still guilty.