great looking pipe! I did some quick google searching and I cant find any way to date a Savinelli. Maybe there is something out there in the hands of a knowledgeable person....
Nice looking pipe. I have a Punto Oro and a couple other Savinellis, all nice smoking pipes.
All mine are non filter models that I bought years ago. I can't help you dating yours, but hope you enjoy it.
Nice find and promises to be an excellent smoker.
Dating Savinelli's is like looking for a needle in a haystack. Models come and go, some models were made in the past, then disappeared, then came back. It's really a daunting task, which I for one have given up on.
Just enjoy the pipe ::
A Punto Oro is a higher end Savinelli and should smoke wonerfully. I like the wider bowl especially if you smoke latakia rich blends because I am partial to the smoking qualities of a wide bowl and the tobacco will smoke all the way to the bottom of the bowl. Great pipe. Enjoy!