Just The Tip Or How I Pack

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Mar 30, 2019
In the semi-rural NorthEastern USA
Don't know if anyone will find this useful but the way I pack is to take pinches out of tin, jar, or pouch and only pack using just the tip of my finger or thumb (for wider bowls). It's similar to the three step method but generally more fool proof. Just pack down only pushing in a few milimeters basically the tip of the finger or the pad. And keep dropping pinches in and pushing them down just a little bit. Until it firmly rests slightly bellow the rim. Since packing like that I get way less dottle and only occasionally run into any issues. Biggest issue is some tobaccos that have really large ribbons or bits can get hard to light if extremely big pieces rest on the very top. Just thought it might be helpful for people who want a simple and effective way to pack.


Nov 26, 2018
Similar here. Put tobacco in, pack down a little.. Do that till near top and give little firmer push. And light. My problem is, I keep tamping trying to chase flavor. On good days, I remember not to tamp hard and smoke to ashes. On some days, I couldn't give rat's ass and end up with little compressed tobacco at the bottom.


Aug 29, 2019
Finger Lakes area, New York, USA
I tend to stuff as much tobacco into the bowl as I can get, even if it gets a bit tight. Makes the smoke last longer because there's more in there, my subconscious tells me. That final push seals it nice and hard. Been doing it that way for decades. Like a moron. Constant relights, stingy tongue, possible gurgling, etc.

Every once in a while I become rational, pack much lighter, with every addition retaining a bounciness to the tobacco. The bowl takes a soft light, burns to the bottom, and leaves a fine grey ash. I spend a minute wondering why I don't always do it that way, then return to my old ways for the next ten bowls. I wonder if it's some form of self-abuse and should seek help?


Jul 11, 2014
North Central Florida
I find that with ribbon cut tobacco, the draw can become occluded after the charring light, especially on a Dublin shaped or a deep bowl like the MM Freehand.
I've learned to pierce the tobacco right in the middle of the bowl with my Cseczk tool to the bottom of the bowl and establish a decent draw. It usually only takes once, and it might not be needed till halfway through, but as soon as your tobacco falls to a point where it restricts the draw, you need to either rest the pipe or re-establish the airway, for a more pleasant experience.


May 26, 2012
Sarasota Florida
I put tobacco in twice and then check the draw. Once I see where I am I put another pinch in and then check it another time. Usually I am all set but then there are times when I need to put more in and then I am done. I always check the draw before I light up. I usually get it right before I have to put in a fourth pinch. I think everyone has their own methods that works for them. Once in a great while I get it wrong and have to start all over again.


Starting to Get Obsessed
May 2, 2021
Gravity, tap, gravity tap, gentle finger tamp, sprinkle the tiniest bit of kindling to light, smoke. It works for me. And if I still need more, well then, I guess I have to smoke another pipe gosh darnit!
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Part of the Furniture Now
May 9, 2021
Is there really a best method other than what works for you? I’m pretty sure if an old timer watched me they ask, “what the hell are you doing, boy?” I’d say, “no idea, but it works.” But honestly, I kinda stick to the resistance as I shove it in... I’ve tried every method including standing on my head, hopping on one leg and tamp stamping it... but, it seems when it feels right, it’s good. ?‍♂️