Just saw the movie "Lincoln". Wow!

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Part of the Furniture Now
Aug 1, 2011
Just like the title states, I just got back from seeing "Lincoln". Great movie! I know it's kinda cliche to say this, but this movie has oscars written all over it. At the end, as the credits started to roll, the entire theater stood up and applauded. I've never seen that happen at any other movie.
Daniel Day Lewis's portrayal of Lincoln was amazing. Lots of other great actors in it as well, especially James Spader as W.N. Bilbo. I wouldn't hesitate to say that this whole movie was a master class in acting.
Anyway, go see it. It was wonderful!



Part of the Furniture Now
Aug 1, 2011
It happened during Twilight: Breaking Dawn Pt 2. My girlfriend made me see it.
It's ok Uber. You can admit to being a Twilight fan. Who is your favorite Twi-guy? ;)
Seems to be his standard level of excellence. The man has an acting skill that is unmatched!
Theres a great scene in the movie where he tells a group of people a funny story about a portrait of George Washington hanging in an English Lord's bathroom. I would repeat it here but I dont want to give away the endning of the story and also the way he tells it in the movie is great. :lol:



Sep 1, 2011
I saw Lincoln last week. I think it was very well done. I'm very interested in that time in American history. I enjoyed the audiences reactions to the movie. At one time some one in the movie took snuff, and I hear from behind me a guy explaining to his girl," Thats tobacco snuff." She said ," OH" and I took a toot from my snuff box. :D Lots of cigars in the move but not enough pipes.
I think Cathy Baits did a great job playing Marry Todd Lincoln. Daniel Day Lewis was awesome and became his role.
Uber, I saw the first Twilight move with the wife. I have been to many chick flicks but that one I told her no more Twilight movies for me.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Oct 19, 2012
Bel Air, MD
TL;DR - Lincoln was a tyrant and a piece of crap.
Necro'ing this thread, but I finally watched it myself. I know that we shy away from politics and all things political on these forums, but since this is a hugely popular movie concerning a political figure, I'm thinking that this is okay to discuss. I apologize if a Moderator finds this inappropriate.
I watched the movie. Day Lewis is a truly amazing actor. Spielberg is a great director. But this movie was nothing but pure propaganda.
It never fails to amaze me how we have these fake memories of who, and what, Abraham Lincoln was. He was a bad man and an even worse American president. The movie did try to touch ever-so-briefly on Lincoln's considerable mental illness (which we would diagnose today as Clinical Depression [of which I am myself a sufferer] or Bi-Polar Disorder), but for the most part it ignored the less savory aspects of "America's First Cry-Baby President".
Freed the slaves? Nope. He didn't even have the power to do so; freeing the slaves took a Constitutional Amendment. Emancipation Proclamation? Give me a break. That was a threat to "free slaves in rebel states" and nothing more. Notice that it did NOT say that slaves would be freed in slave-holding states that remained in the Union during the war; it only threatened slave states within the Confederacy. It also stated "IF" [Confederate States did not return to the Union] then their slaves would be declared free {paraphrased}. Had the Confederacy dissolved and returned to the Union, they would have been PERMITTED to keep their slaves and slaves in the Northern states would have remained slaves.
To be fair, Lincoln was a product of his times, but we would not excuse his behavior and beliefs nowadays. It's true that he did not believe in slavery, but he was also a pretty damn racist man, even stating in one of his debate speeches that Black people were "inferior" to Whites and should not be permitted to vote, be citizens, hold political office, or intermarry with Whites. I will not repeat the language he used about Black people here; feel free to read it for yourself. [Fourth Debate with Stephen A. Douglas at Charleston, Illinois, September 18, 1858]
Lincoln had his most outspoken critic, Democratic Congressman Clement L. Vallandigham of Ohio, forcefully taken from his Dayton, Ohio home in the middle of the night by 67 armed federal soldiers, thrown into a military prison without due process, convicted by a military tribunal, and deported. You read that right - he had a United States Congressman ARRESTED AND DEPORTED.
He suspended our right of Habeas Corpus and had thousands of suspected "Southern Sympathizers" in the North arrested and held without trial. He crapped all over our right to free speech and free press, shutting down hundreds and hundreds of newspapers and printing presses in America.
He declared war against American citizens in the Confederacy without authorization from Congress. True, Congress was a wee bit fractured with so many leaving for the Confederacy, but he didn't even seek the authorization of what Congress that remained. So, according to the United States Constitution, Lincoln waged an illegal war and murdered American citizens.
His wife was a corrupt crook and thief who used his office as a Senator and as United States President to accept bribes and kick-backs.
He was a tyrant and the first American dictator. People gloss over and ignore his "extra-Constitutional powers" (read: illegal acts not granted to the President by the United States Constitution), and our children are taught in schools that he was the shining example of what an American President should be.
It's one thing to enjoy a movie for being a good, or even great movie, and I am NOT saying that anyone here should not enjoy the movie for itself or that enjoying the movie somehow makes you ignorant of history, so please don't think that I am attacking anyone; well, at least no one other than Mr. Spielberg and Abraham Lincoln. I still love Mel Gibson's Braveheart in spite of it being almost completely historically inaccurate. But it chafes my ass that someone as horrible as Lincoln is held up as the bright, shining example of an American President.
I challenge anyone who is unaware of who and what Lincoln was to read the truth about the man. He was an example of what a President should never be, and this is coming from a die-hard Republican. Sadly, we've elected men to lead us who have been as bad, if not worse, in their own ways since then. Almost every serious Presidential historian lists Woodrow Wilson, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln as the worst Presidents in American history.
I'm not a "Lost Cause" proponent who claims that slavery had nothing to do with the war because it clearly did; however, it was one of many causes and not THE cause that our children are taught today in school. I understand the argument that Lincoln did what he had to do to preserve the Union, but I reject that on the point that he did not preserve the Union, he destroyed it. Our Founding Fathers set us up to be a Constitutional Republic and a loose confederation of sovereign states that supported one another in need. After Shay's Rebellion, we became a Federal Constitutional Republic with a federal President of the United States, but States were still sovereign. That all ended after the Civil War. We were no longer the nation that our Founders wanted us to be, but moved more and more to the idea of a "Democracy", of which I will not discuss here since that would certainly violate the forum rules concerning politics. But Lincoln was the first Big Government man, and there's no doubt about that.
Again, I apologize if this is inappropriate, and I assure you that it was not my intention to offend anyone here on the forums. I also know that I sure as crap don't know everything, and I realize that I was not around to be a first-hand observer when Lincoln was President; however, I believe deeply that Lincoln was a tyrant and I believe that every American citizen should learn the truth of what Lincoln was.
Thanks for reading my rant.

May 3, 2010
Las Vegas, NV
From what I heard this movie was supposed to more so portray who Lincoln the man was and not Lincoln the President, which most people know of the legislation he brought forth and signed. From what I've heard Lincoln was constantly telling naughty jokes and stuff. Alot more loose and jovial person. Not quite the stoic figure that is brought to mind by the average person.
Regardless, I'm sure it's a good movie especially with Sally Field playing Mary Todd Lincoln.
I have to say that's the first time I've ever heard of President Lincoln referred to as a cry baby President or Mary Todd Lincoln as a corrupt crook and thief. To each their own I guess though. We're all entitled to our own opinions and interpretations.



Part of the Furniture Now
Aug 1, 2011
Freed the slaves? Nope. He didn't even have the power to do so; freeing the slaves took a Constitutional Amendment. Emancipation Proclamation? Give me a break. That was a threat to "free slaves in rebel states" and nothing more. Notice that it did NOT say that slaves would be freed in slave-holding states that remained in the Union during the war; it only threatened slave states within the Confederacy. It also stated "IF" [Confederate States did not return to the Union] then their slaves would be declared free {paraphrased}. Had the Confederacy dissolved and returned to the Union, they would have been PERMITTED to keep their slaves and slaves in the Northern states would have remained slaves.
Lincoln, in the movie, talked about this very thing and even stated that he did not have the power to free the slaves and that his "Emancipation Proclamation" was most likely unconstitutional. In that regard I'm not sure why you think he thought or the movie implied otherwise. No, Lincoln himself did not free the slaves. It was his efforts (along with others) in getting support for the constitutional amendment passed that freed the slaves. I thought the movie showed this quite clearly.
Having said that, there was one glaring flaw in the movie when Lincoln said something to the effect of "If we can get this amendment passed, I will sign it without question" However, a constitutional amendment does not require the President's signature or approval.



Might Stick Around
Nov 9, 2012
For those who wish to dig deep on the not so rose colored view of Lincoln and the Civil War here is an interesting article and a great list for further study;
The Thomas J. DiLorenzo articles and books are a great start too.



Nov 24, 2012
i too saw this movie and thought it was amazing. I also thought Lincoln was a great president contrary to what Rondyr has stated. Clinical depression? I'm not sure you you or I wouldn't be either if we had presided over a divided country, and 620,000 dead americans. The Gettysburg Address is considered by many historians as one of greatest speeches in the history of the world. The greatness of this speech is not up for debate, but an individuals understanding of it is. The Emancipation Proclamation was an executive order given durin the time of war which was within his authority to do so. Of course, everyone know that was not the thing that freed the slaves, the 13th amendment did that. Finally, this man was killed for it. To say he wasnt one of the greatest presidents is not being intellectually honest. A perfect man? No. Neither was my favorite Ronald Reagan but he made him mark.



Nov 23, 2010
Central New Jersey
ronyr I was going to respond to your rant but I am too tired and too busy enjoying a bowl of Westminster and a cup of tea. Try smoking a bowl and calm down.



Smoking a Pipe Right Now
Staff member
Nov 16, 2008
St. Petersburg, FL
I'm leaving this thread open and unedited for now, but it will only stay that way if there are no more political posts.
Leave out the politics, and talk about the movie and other movies. Here's an example.
This movie is on my list to go see in the next couple of weeks. The trailers look great.
A week ago I saw Skyfall, and think it is the best Bond film ever made. Lincoln is next on my list.



Jul 2, 2009
New England
I plan on seeing the movie Lincoln this week, as I have read the book "A Team of Rivals" which is supposed to be quite parallel to the movie. It was an interesting time in history and I hope the movie shows how Lincoln befriended his rivals in the political theatre so they could work together. I'd be more comfortable for sure if I'd wait for it on DVD so I could view it at home with a good pipe in hand. Just can't wait to see it though.



Nov 24, 2012
Speaking of SkyFall, now that was a big let down Kevin. I only liked 1 scene but the rest was a yawner. Didnt have enough cool gadgets and enough action for me. It was prob one of the worst IMHO. :O)
(See, Kevin no politics : :nana:

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