Hello Fellow Smokers,
Thanks so Much for being so kind to us and giving us a chance in the USA market.
So far, Pipes-magazine, has brought us quiet some sales, so we will be expanding the USA market with even more models and color-finishes for the Month of September.
In Poland we sell over 100 Models, yes that's right "100".
We would love to hear from you what kind of pipes you would like to see next, and what color, finish are your favorites.
So Please Please give us your thoughts here on the forum.
Also, we are offering a FREE Tamper Tool (with free shipping as well) for anybody that will post a product review on a Brog Pipe bought on Amazon from our store (honest reviews only, we don't force you to write in favor).
Here's how:
A. Review should be posted here on Pipes-magazine "and" on Amazon.
B. When posting here on pipes-magazine, a picture should be included (you're own, not a copy paste).
C. Review must be at least 3 paragraphs in length, the longer the better.
D. Include a link where you bought the product.
E. When you're done, send me a PM with your shipping address, and we'll ship you the Tamper Tool, and send you a PM to confirm.
All the best,
Puff Puff
Mr. Brog