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May 12, 2015
Carmel Valley, CA
I don't know about trusting Kansas City as your source for pipes and pipe tobacco. Most such shops lean heavily toward cigars, with maybe one renegade on staff who mostly loves pipes.

<< Snipped bits out >>
Well, I don't know that the opposite isn't true! It's possible KC supports a couple of fine tobacconists! Unlikely, but possible.

I am hoping all who have imaginative "locations" in their profiles will edit to their actual area.


Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 6, 2022
Fort Worth Texas
I've smoked cigars off and on and have a nice humidor I snagged at an estate auction for a song. Pretty much filled with some fine sticks, but now the lure of the pipe has caught my attention in my retirement days. My father smoked cigars and pipes. I remember the sweet smell of his pipe and going to the Tacoma Mall with him while he shopped in the tabacco store there. Enough reminiscing. I picked up a Meerschaum cob last week and some of there Country Gentelman tobacco. I quite enjoy it, but I am looking forward to finding my go to tobacco. Any how I'm located in Smithville MO about 30 minute north of Kansas city. If anyone in The KC MO area can point me to a hood tobscconist shop I would appreciate it.
Looking forward to warmer mornings coffee and a pipe on the back patio, plus hanging out here and absorbing all the info I can. Thanks
Hello and welcome to the Forum from Deep in the Heart of Texas. You will find this site to be informative and the members insightful (and at times, most entertaining). Enjoy your stay!

Mar 5, 2024
Smithville MO
Rut Ro! Just bought an estate pipe today to go with the cobb. A Suffolk Dublin Bowl from Tin Bids. Looked to be in pretty good shape and I made an offer on eBay for a Commoys Sunrise Amber Grain Vintage Briar #9 Bulldog Estate. That should do for now said no one ever with any conviction. I did try out My Scotty's Salmon River Tobacco I really like that blend, and tomorrow Scotty's Trout Stream. There is a theme here. When you fly fished for 55 years ya just got to go with what you know:col:
Mar 5, 2024
Smithville MO
Thanks for the warm and friendly welcomes. I finding my cobb very enjoyable. Sipping away at a fine blend. I figured out how to load ans smoke it without and tongue bite or overheating. Lurked around here for the past few days and learned lot. For a newbie I'm catching on fast.