I have heard people comment that Crooner has too much deer tongue so I think you may be right with your assessment. I didn't think the coumarin was the cause, just seemed to be a tenuous connection between both situations. With all that said, I'm still looking forward to trying it - even though cube cuts are a pain to me. Anyone ever have John Patton's Gold Nugget Mixture? Is that a better deer tongue blend?
I am usually unaffected by tobaccos consistently rated "medium" but I am by no means a heavy smoker, so every time I flirt with one I take a chance at sickness. It sure isn't pleasant. While I'm sure it would take no time to get over it if I smoked a little more often, it's not worth it to me - I'd rather stay on the milder end of the spectrum like yourself with occasional forays into moderate nic territory. C&D Pennington Gap was the only one to ever make me throw up - I was drunk, smoked a bowl quickly, went in to brush my teeth and made myself gag by accident, straight into the sink. lol