I had a place on the left side of my face about 15-20 years ago about the size of a BB and it looked suspect to my dermatologist so he did a biopsy. I got the results from the lab and it was some sort of cancer...can recall what the called it. I met him at the hospital and he did local anesthesia and cut it out. He went pretty deep as he said he had to stitch the inside and outside. That's been long ago and there's been no repercussion since then.
I've had places burned off my face, forearm and head with liquid nitrogen he sprays and if you think bees hurt when they sting, this stuff is about as bad. My head looked like someone put a cigar out on it for about a week but it turned out as smooth as a baby's butt. Let them do what they need to if it's cancerous. We all hope it's not but the lab should send you a letter about the results.