Tonight Mrs. J Lee, little miss J Lee, and I took the beast for a walk. I loaded the B-C Mirage 1300 with some PS LBF and set off with a BB 'small batch' 471 IPA (HOPPY!!!) in fist. I quaffed the brew and tossed the bottle in a bin near the park and then... my teeth let go of the sweet little B-C... My mind raced as my reaction was to palm up and grab her with my hand. Which I did... hot burning ash bowl down in palm. On it's way down she decided to spray all her loose ash directly into my right eye. All in all it turned out okay. She is ok and my palm and eye will be fine. I'm going outside on the porch to quaff a few more... I think I'll smoke some of these Backwoods Cigars I have laying around though.