Boswell's Best in a Boswell Classic Bent.
This is the same exact blend as Tinderbox's Wilshire Blend, which leads me to believe that it is probably a Lane tobacco blend.
I have been smoking Mac Baren HH Vintage Syrian for the last three days straight. You can probably guess what kind of review is coming on this one. LOL.
I've been smoking Captain Black Gold in my newly acquired 17th century style clay tavern pipe. It is really nice to smoke with, but you have to hold it a little differently because to bowl gets "piping hot", sorry for the pun. Clay pipe
And pardon me for LMAO at that pun!
I had a bowl of Mac Baren Club Blend in a Sasieni 4 Dot after lunch today and I am about to do Club Blend again in a Corn Cob before dinner.
Wow, that sounds pretty cool volk. Even better than EMP, huh? I have some of C&D Good Morning here, but haven't tried it yet. I'll have to give it a whirl.