JT Cooke Yelled At Me

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Sep 8, 2014
Moody, AL
That thread title is meant to be tongue n cheek. As many know, a couple weeks ago I placed a commission order for a Cooke pipe. We exchanged emails, me following his instructions till we agreed on a pipe. A week later it occured to me that I'd rather leave some details up to him so dropped him an email. Then the other night it was pointed out to me that I must prefer 1/8 bends. I realized I had told Cooke 1/4 bent.... And dropped him an email :( I'm sure you can see where this story is going. I DO NOT blame him.... but damn, getting "yelled at" by an American pipe legend is embarrassing. I cringed when I read the brief email offering to refund my deposit. Again, I completely understand and am not blaming him and I can't wait for my Cooke pipe!!!

1) Decide what you want

2) Place your order

3) Back away slowly and watch the mail in 10 months
Noted. Lesson learned. :)



Oct 17, 2013
I understand that Michelangelo and the Pope had a few heated discussions over that damn ceiling too. :lol:



May 25, 2012
This is interesting. Was he saying to make up your damned mind, already, or had he already started the pipe. Or was he just afraid you'd be sending him random emails for the next ten months?



Sep 8, 2014
Moody, AL
Lol well it's seriously hard to describe the pipe you want and little details occur to me on a daily basis, especially spending so much money!!

Pitchfork, I suspect the latter. The pipe is supposed to be delivered in Aug/Sept so can't imagine he's started on it. I think he just doesn't want the emails making changes as that takes real time that adds up over the course of months. I get that and appreciate his time is valuable.

I would imagine this is a very common occurrence in the world of custom pipes. In a previous email I even said I'm a believer in letting the artist be the artist. I suspect I just hit him on a bad day maybe. I dunno, but don't wanna come off as dissatisfied. It's just painful when you get disciplined by someone you respect and admire. Know what I mean?

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Jul 29, 2014
I would not read too much into an email, especially from someone you do not know at a close, personal level. He may have fairly standardized responses to save time in his correspondence. He may also just be a bit gruff. My favorite professor in college was that way. People he liked, disliked, or was indifferent towards, all got about the same gruff treatment. Only years of talking with him allowed me to pick up on the subtleties of his communication style, and he can still throw me for a loop.
In short, do not take this to heart.

It's very common in the world of custom "anything." I have handed many a stone and check back to a customer because they kept making me start over. I now have a form they sign when I begin making a ring for a customer. No changes can be made once they sign off on the design, without penalties. I charge $200-500 for additions or changes to an agreed upon design. Although a ring project may take me two or three weeks, as soon as I get the deposit I start weighing out my metals and getting my ducks in a row. I can't imagine someone who makes a living at "making" just letting a project set, even if finishing up another few projects. So, a change can have had me waste hours or up to a whole day of prep work.
Men tend not to be an issue. They usually just go with the flow with me. But, some women can have me rearranging the furniture of a design for weeks if I let them. Thus, the contract.
I have no idea what the exchange was with you guys, but it can get frustrating. Just roll with it is my suggestion.



Charter Member
May 5, 2009
LOL, I've been yelled at in person by him. I asked if he could re stain one of his older candle carved pieces and got my answer, no. I didn't think JT handled his email himself. 8O



Sep 8, 2014
Moody, AL
Dave, that makes me feel better!! I wish it was an assistant handling his email but based on language, tone and sig JT I'm certain it's him. Yeah I'm not taking it personally and at least my interactions have not been boring. He is most certainly an artist, in product and demeanor. I suppose I'd've been disappointed otherwise.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 8, 2012
I am in the midst of a commission with another carver who is at least as weird as your experience with Cooke. He initially told me he would start on my pipe the next week back in June- I have yet to see it, and he refuses to refund my deposit. These guys need to get their shit together with customer service. Just because you make awesome pipes doesn't give you a license to be a tool. People usually will choose to put their money where the best customer service is. In my own work, I deal with finicky people all the time, and I almost always just do what they want. And they keep coming back because I put their desires first, even it they are annoying.



Jan 14, 2012
Southwest Louisiana
I agree I asked Cooke to not coat the bowl of my Commision and you would have thought I asked him to screw his wife. If the little snot nose shit would have been close I would have slapped the shit out of him. No cause to be uncivil, waited and finally got my coated pipe. No more from Mr Cooke.



May 6, 2011
Olathe, Kansas
It is the artistic temperament. Personally, if I could carve I wouldn't take a commission from anyone I didn't believe could accurately express what they want.



Feb 27, 2013
HELL, I'LL YELL AT YOU FOR FREE! ;) Just kidding, as others said don't take it personal, often a person is in the middle of a problem and decides to take a break to check email and it doesn't take much to set them off especially if trying to overcome a problem etc, I'm sure you'll enjoy your Cooke.




Jun 4, 2014
United States
Sorry, I don't buy into the artistic temperament excuse. I've known artists, professional and amateur, and some of the most accomplished are also some of the most gracious people I know.
I have known some who cultivated the suffering, unappreciated artist image. For the most part, they were competent at their craft at best, and in some cases just no-account prima donnas who vastly over-estimated their importance and the value of their work.
Those who are really competent and talented at their trade or craft, are self-actualized and comfortable with themselves and the world and have no need for the prissy, pissy attitudes.
Having said that, we all have our bad days, and time is money. When I was a contractor, I produced the design in collaboration, and once the customer signed off, I charged a fee just to consider a change order, and then charged for the additional expenses, including time, planning, labor, and direct and indirect expenses, if I agreed to the change. Otherwise, the "furniture movers" would just kill you. However, I did so respectfully and professionally. I didn't demean the customer or insult them because they had second thoughts.
I worked as a reporter for the Catholic University of America campus paper, The Tower. We had a window, usually opened, in our second story, air condition-less office. Over the window was hand painted poster that saide, "Prima Donnas Exit Here".
Thanks for the note. If I contracted for a custom made brier, I would certainly ask for references. If someone is going to take my money, I expect them to treat me civilly. I wouldn't rule out a Cooke pipe because of one reported instance. But if I found abusive language and behavior is a pattern, I would go elsewhere.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 19, 2013
Often, when people are really talented at working with or making "things" (pipes)they are not so accomplished at dealing with people. Rare is the person who is good at both.



Sep 8, 2014
Moody, AL
I agree with everything that's been said here. It's a difficult process for all involved parties, but anything worth having and all.... This thread was less about complaining and more about sharing the story. Cooke is about as good as it gets if you want a beautifully blasted pipe. He's a very in demand artist and probably would survive without my business. IF I wasn't so new at this and really knew my stuff, I might've been more upset. In content, he offered me my money back and just wanted things firmed up, his language was just gruff.

The ironic part is that if you combine all the emails I sent into a single order it was as follows:

I PREFER black/dark color.

I PREFER a Diplomat shape.

I like a 1/8th bent stem.

I'd like a large size 6.

Beyond that I'd rather leave it to you. Let the artist be the artist.
That was my order. I wasn't making more specific demands, but fewer. In the end I'll get a great pipe. Of this I am sure.



May 25, 2012
JT is a really nice guy. Sometimes he can come off as a bit gruff and will reply briskly. Then again.... in text, you can't tell if he's serious OR if he is grinning from ear to ear, just to give you the gears.
I don't know him personally, but that's the impression you get from interviews and the like. Plus, he's a native Vermonter. If you've ever lived in New England (outside of the urban coastal areas) you know exactly what I mean.
But iamn8, you've got a great story to tell once you get your pipe!
Bradley, sorry to hear about your frustrations regarding the coated bowl, but thanks for sharing your story. That's why most of us show up here -- to shoot the shit about pipes and pipemakers, the kind of stuff that 99% of the population just couldn't care less about.

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