Keep it simple as you can. Don't buy anything in quantity for a few years since your tastes will change. One pouch, tin, or an ounce or two of bulk (loose tobacco in a baggie) should do it, and don't buy a bunch at once, just one or two blends. Take it slow. Figure out how to smoke enjoyably, sip don't puff.
Anything you don't like, put in a canning jar and try it again in a year. Your tastes will change. Even if you love a blend, don't stock up. Your tastes will change.
Since I don't know what's available to you in terms of blends, I'd go with old standard blends, Virginia or burley based, no over-flavored aromatics. I'd try some non-aromatic blends as you go along, and some simple all Virginia and all-burley blends. But not all at once, not all of a sudden.
Enjoyability is the key. Go for that.
Anything you don't like, put in a canning jar and try it again in a year. Your tastes will change. Even if you love a blend, don't stock up. Your tastes will change.
Since I don't know what's available to you in terms of blends, I'd go with old standard blends, Virginia or burley based, no over-flavored aromatics. I'd try some non-aromatic blends as you go along, and some simple all Virginia and all-burley blends. But not all at once, not all of a sudden.
Enjoyability is the key. Go for that.