I work in IT - got my first PC in college (a 386, for those who remember...) and have been upgrading ever since. I'm on my second smartphone, which is also my 6th cell phone over all (I think - and not counting the Windows phone my new job supplied me with). I just converted my netbook to a Ubuntu box, and I'm itching to get a new desktop at home. Not an Apple fan (they work okay, but when they break, they REALLY break), but I do find that I prefer the iPhone to the Android that I had previously. Still nostalgic about my old Palm PDAs - they were remarkably versatile and reliable, and had a lot of great software that still hasn't been matched on the current platforms (although Pimlico is still working on a few things...).
Oddly enough, I was a history major in college after deciding against going into computer science. :crazy: